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Your house is supposed to be your safe place the place you can go to to get away from the outside world

You don't have to deal with any of the pain, murder, fighting, the pure hatred that is outside your walls

A house is more then brick and cement

It is a safe haven

But that's all changed now

Instead of feeling safe and secure in my own home I feel dirty. Watched

You took my haven

You took my place

That's not the only thing you took was it?

That's not the only thing you left striped and bare

You set a fire with liquor and a match

You burned my haven to the ground

Instead of a beautiful oasis, there is a barren waste land

You made sure there was nothing left

You say it was not your intention that you didn't meet to strip us both down

To leave us with nothing, but shame and regret

You may believe that

I'm sure you do

But you can not fool me

You can not pretend that you didn't burn everything intentionally

We both know you did

We both know you wanted everything to happen the way it did

You burned us both

You left us both a barren waste land with nothing beautiful about us

My haven

My home

My safe place

My oasis

It is gone

The place I could once call home

The place I could once smile and feel happy is gone

It was just a way for you to get what you wanted

A place for you to visit to slowly steal from it

To you it was brick walls and cement

To me

It was home

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