Piece of Me

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When I began to love you

I left a piece of me

In you, around you

There for you to see

Every time I held you

I left a piece of me

Happened so often

I started losing me

Every time you hurt me

I left a piece of me

In those broken words

In a place, too dark to be

Every time you broke me

I lost a piece of me

Crumbled, wrinkled, torn

Nowhere to be seen

But now that you've left me

I've lost the pieces of me

You tore them apart

But they are no longer me

So now that you left me

I grow back the pieces of me

But they're new ones

No traces of the girl I used to be

And now that you've left me

I've left you too

So hold on to those pieces

I've held on to you too

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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