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So many people

Helped to save me that day

But only you helped

In the most important way

I don't know if it was because you are sweet,

Or just know how I feel

But you can always make me laugh

Make me feel so real

It might be because you're my best friend

But that's not just it

You have a piece of my heart

That you will forever, inside of it, fit

I know that you truly care

But, I didn't ever know

That all of those times that you saved me

Were not just for show.

You really liked me.

Wanted me to stay

You didn't want this friendship of ours

To fray.

And it will never fray

It will stay strong forever

Because when it's you and me

We will shine bright together.


Authors Note:

(This will all be in code so only my best friend will understand)

Hey. I hope you know that I wrote this, thinking about our Bayer Aspirin convos. I know that you will forever be eating dinner, but don't let the dark eyed one eat ur phone like everything else before u get to read this.

I love you, my little ripped tank-top loving bestfriend. STAHP IT!!!!

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