niel.// - fall

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The horrors of the night melt away,
Under the warm glow of survival of the day,
Then we move on,
My shadow grows taller, along with my fears,
And my frame shrinks smaller as night grows near.

-Twenty One Pilots, Semi-Automatic

June 14 - A night before class.

"Alright. Let's see here... where did I put it again?"

???? searches for something in the drawer.

???? opens up his dream journal, and writes on this day.

June 14...\\

I'll just have to wake up before 6. \\ I even want to lucid dream today? \\

I'll have to sleep early though... \\

???? checks his bedroom's clock.

It's only 10 PM. That's probably fine...\\

???? sets an alarm for 4 AM.

Last issue of June 14 on 10 PM. \\

???? puts the journal back into the drawer placed by the side of his bed.

???? gets a night's rest, and prepare for tomorrow.

June 15 - 4 AM

Noise of clashing plates and silverware can be heard downstairs.

???? enters his bedroom's bathroom and splashes water on to his face to wake him up.

???? wipes himself off and heads downstairs.

???? is greeted with his breakfast and a cup of coffee to prepare him.

???? sees a note beside his breakfast, and pulls it off his tag.

Dear Niel -

Before you leave for school today, I made your breakfast for you.

Now, I won't be here back here for a long time, I went to visit our hometown.

I'll be back in a few days. I left some money in the cabinet by the kitchen.

Spend it wisely, Niel! You don't want it to go to waste, do you?

Also, I've left a basic routine for you to follow for the rest of the days that I'll be absent.

It will help you throughout the day.

Hugs and kisses,


"Well then.. I. um. Okay." He said, feeling loved.

Niel puts the note back into place.

"A checklist... some money... and breakfast. I can't cook, can I? Yeah. I'll be buying food for the rest of my days now. Instant ramen. The college diet."

Niel eats his breakfast, thinking about what he'll do for his this day of high school.


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