Devil 4

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Luhan found himself lost in an unfamiliar realm, with a cacophony of voices swirling in his mind like a maelstrom, causing a throbbing ache in his head. He couldn’t recognize the voices and it doesn’t help that it is accompanied by huge surge of power, air grew heavy with an intangible weight, pressing down on him like an invisible hand gripping his throat. It was as if a tempest of raw power swirled within the room’s confines, threatening to unleash its fury upon him. Luhan found himself trapped in the grip of an enigmatic force, unable to comprehend its origin or purpose.

He tried to decipher the content of those overlapping and frantic voices and it seems like they are finding something or someone. Each passing moment intensified the suffocating grip, as if the walls themselves were closing in, squeezing out every breath of air. Luhan’s instincts screamed at him to escape, to break free from the clutches of this overwhelming voices that threatened to consume him whole.

Fear mingled with desperation as he frantically scoured his surroundings for an escape, his heart pounding within his chest like a wild beast yearning to break free from its confining cage. The very fabric of his reality quivered beneath the weight of these unseen entities, leaving him yearning for a temporary respite, a sanctuary amidst the encroaching chaos that threatened to engulf him entirely.

Yet, amidst the tumultuous pandemonium, a single voice emerged, resolute and luminous, beckoning him to heed its call. In an instant, the oppressive cacophony dissipated, leaving behind an echo of silence. Luhan strained to grasp onto the beacon of this solitary voice, akin to a desperate soul clutching at a lifeline within the unfathomable abyss.

"I will not let death claim you, my love. You belong to me - heart, mind, and soul. I would rip open the gates of heaven to reclaim you if I must."

The doe convulsed In anguish, the cutting words lancing through its soul like a sharpened blade. This torment surpassed all previous afflictions, a searing pain that etched deeper than before. The voice, saturated with fury, echoed with a desperate yearning and unfiltered anguish in every syllable. It resonated through the abyss of darkness enveloping the doe, eclipsing all other sounds in its wake.

As he stumbled through the darkness, barefoot and disoriented, the world around him shifted like a wave. He had to shut his eyes against the dizzying sensation, and the voices in his head only made it worse. Finally, he found himself standing in an empty hall, the voice still echoing in his ears.

"Where are you, my love? You cannot hide from me. We are bound together, and no power in heaven or hell can separate us."

The voice was familiar, and Luhan felt a sense of comfort and safety wash over him. But it was quickly replaced by a gnawing feeling of dread and unease. Who was this man? And why did Luhan feel so strongly drawn to him?

He stumbled forward, reaching out for the voice, but the hall seemed to stretch out before him, like a never-ending maze. The voice faded gradually, leaving Luhan alone with his fears.

"I would tear the world apart if it meant having you back in my arms."

Luhan kept running, chasing after the elusive voice until he found himself in another hall, this one bathed in the warm glow of a crackling fire. A throne of human bones sat before him, gleaming in the firelight. And there, on the throne, sat a man with eyes, like molten amber, held a mesmerizing allure. They flickered with an ethereal fire, dancing like restless flames

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