Devil 2

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“Kim Jongin”

A shiver travels on Luhan’s spine when Sehun growled a name, probably the guy’s name who’s still holding his hand. He pulled his hand off the guy’s clutch and took a step back because Sehun’s eyes suddenly turned into bright yellow. He shook his head then blinked because he’s probably seeing things. When Luhan checked Sehun’s eyes, it returned to normal. Yeah, maybe it was just a trick of light, he tried to convince himself.

“Take your filthy hands off my bestfriend, Mr. Kim,” says Kyungsoo with disgust in his voice.

The guy only smirked at Kyungsoo. His eyes radiates mischief. “Are you perhaps jealous my love? You don’t need to worry. My eyes are only for you.”

“Don’t call me that. Be thankful that we’re on duty or else I might not be able to stop myself from beating you to pulp.”

Kyungsoo may be small in size but he is not known as their protector when they were still in elementary for nothing. Luhan felt a larger hand intertwining on his own, caressing the ring that he bought on antique shop. His eyes darted from Kyungsoo and Jongin who still engage in one sided bickering to Sehun. He stared intently on Sehun’s mesmerizing hazel eyes. 

“What’s wrong, Lu?”

“Uh, nothing, I thought I saw your irises change.”

Luhan felt him stiffen but it was for only a second. Sehun only smiled at him then pinches his nose. “Did you stay late last night again, Lu? I told you, don’t overwork yourself.”

Luhan scrunched his nose. It will turn red again for sure. His skin was a little bit sensitive. Due to his complexion, his skin turns red easily even when one of his friends just simply pinch his cheeks or grip his arm.

“My Luhan is really adorable.”

There is something on Sehun’s voice that bothered him suddenly. He can’t really point it out but something is nagging on his mind. What is it? He was snapped out of his thoughts when Sehun tugged him outside the science department faculty office.

“Baekhyun told me that you want to eat in a fast-food restaurant. Let’s go.”

He let himself pulled by Sehun. His mind still trying to probe through his memories and consciousness to find what is wrong. In the end, he set it aside especially when food was served infront of him.


“I think I already found my soulmate.” Baekhyun said dazedly.

“It was nice to know that you finally like someone reachable, Baek.” Yixing said in amusement.

“What do you mean reachable? Lee Jongsuk, Lee Minho and Nam Joohyuk are also reachable!”

“Are they even aware of your existence?”

“You really suck, Xing. Just wait, they will know me soon.”

“I thought Mr. Park’s already your soulmate? Is it fine for him that you admire other men?” Luhan intercepts in the conversation, bringing buttered popcorn, pack of gummy bears and chocolates with him.

“What Chanyeol doesn’t know won’t hurt him, Luhannie.”  Baekhyun winked at him. “Are you done with your lesson plans and presentations?”

Luhan hums as he turns on the television.

“Don’t tell me you are going to watch Dokgo rewind again or Busted?” Yixing asked but it was really pointless because they already know Luhan.

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