Chapter 6. The Accident

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The first is constructed. It will be big enough for them to start with. My fellows have shown interest in the species but have yet to see them.

Harl sat staring into the fire. Word had returned that Ryker was recovering at the healers. It would take many cycles for his leg to mend and he would probably always walk with a limp. It pained Harl to think of the strong man struggling through his day to day life that way. It seemed wrong. Ryker was a strong man, stoic, grim, but there was a mirth buried deep inside, like some kind of treasure to be mined.

The shift had changed well into the dark cycle. When they returned to the camp the cooks had given them the news about Ryker. After that they had settled down to wait. Sleep seemed far off. Rain fell around them as smoke rose from the sputtering fires.

Troy poked a stick into the fire and a dragon's breath of fiery sparks erupted into the air.

'You're quiet,' Troy said.

Harl watched as a hot ember collapsed into the glowing coals. It was true. He hadn't spoken during their meal. His thoughts were too much in torment. It wasn't just Ryker. His accident was a horror that had cut deep, but Harl was thinking far beyond that.

The woman.

He hadn't told anyone about her yet. Part of it was selfishness. While she was locked away in his thoughts she belonged to him. She was something he could treasure, a gem gleaming with hope through all the darkness that was gathered around him. But sharing his story meant more than just sharing the fact of her existence. It meant trusting someone with the implications. To tell someone about her meant revealing that the world was bigger than they had ever believed. It would change everything they knew. Did he have the right to do that?

Troy was still waiting for an answer. He stirred the embers again and sparks soared into the air. Harl flicked his gaze up from the fire and smiled half-heartedly.

'What would you have me say?' Harl asked.

'Oh, I don't know. Heard any good jokes?' Troy winked, but there was a sadness in his voice.

Harl tossed a log on the fire and watched tongues of orange flame lick at it. The warmth felt good.

'I've never thanked you, you know,' he said at last.

Troy cocked his head to one side. 'What for?'

'You've always been there for me. You're my truest friend.'

Troy rolled his eyes. 'Is this a proposal? Only if it is, it's not very good. Where's the ring? Where's the flowers? I expect to be wined and dined you know.'

Harl laughed and shook his head. Troy grinned.

'There's no need for thanks. We may not be brothers by blood, but we're family, Harl.'

Harl nodded. His expression turned serious and he locked his gaze with Troy's.

'That's why you're the only one I trust in this world.'

Troy raised an eyebrow. 'This world? I've never heard anyone say that. It sounds so strange.'

Harl let the words hang and then turned back to the fire.

'I'm going to find the girl of my dreams,' he said.

'Oh yes,' Troy said with a grin. 'Now that's more like it. Women I can deal with. And which lady has the pleasure of being chased by a rogue such as yourself?'

'I've seen her only once,' Harl said.

'She must be a rare one' Troy said, interested. 'Who is she then? Chloe?' He watched Harl's expression sour. 'No, I can see that it's someone else. Interesting...'

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