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Dear diary,

My name is Nikita Petrova. I'm 550 years old. I've been running away (just like my mother Katerina Petrova did) for over a decade now. I live with my father Niklaus Mikaelson. New Orleans and Mystic Falls are my home now. I have my moms personalities and her actions.

5 days later

Zach Salvatore the man who knows who I am and a nephew of Damon and Stefan Salvatore.

Stefan Salvatore is friends with my dad back in the 1920's. He was hooking up with my Aunt Rebekah in a bar.

Damon Salvatore is Stefan's manipulative brother who always wants the same girl what Stefan has.


Nikita Petrova

The life of Nikita Petrova and Kiki Mikaelson 1Where stories live. Discover now