Chapter Six

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I watch the two leaders decide my fate. Like I'm some dog they found on the side of the road and now bicker as to who keeps and feeds the flea-bitten mongrel.

I look around the dark underground carpark. There was nowhere to go. No escape, not even a hiding spot. Too many eyes watching me. I sigh. This is taking forever.

I could even overhear some of their squabbling. Not like they were trying to keep it hush-hush to begin with.

"He was found in our territory," Bass grumbles.

"Skull," Moon tries to keep her voice quiet and for the most part I had to guess what she was saying but I got the gist of, "you don't have enough resources to support another person, right? Let alone a prisoner. You're going to have to set guards. Watchers. Can you really afford to be like that?"

Skull's eyes narrow, "She has a point. However, our pact still stands, he was found in our territory first. He was stealing from Necrosis and therefore is our problem."

"...could just kill him," Bass quietly reasons.

"No. We are not barbarians," Moon hisses back.

They have been doing this circular argument for a while.

There was silence between them until Moon sighs. "We can take him. For now, it's not like he isn't useful. How many people have we come across that knows anything about medicine?"

Bass frowns, "Shouldn't you be asking your tribe? After all, 'they have a right to speak'." Obviously an old quip from the sarcasm and the way Moon looks as though she wants to sock him one in the teeth.

Moon turns to Skull, obviously trying to rein in her temper, "Skull, we have..."

Skull looks over in my direction and for some reason, decided to come closer. Pretty much abandoning Moon mid-way through the conversation, which made her huff and pout at his back. I'd find this all very amusing if it weren't for my current predicament.

"What's your name?" He asks, using his height to 'intimidate' me.

"Why do you want to know?" I spat back. What good does telling someone who calls himself 'Skull' my name?

"What did Horror call you...?" he looks like he was mulling it over. "Kitty?"

I let out a sigh, "Luke."

He grins, obviously enjoying winning. "Luke. You aren't part of any tribes?"

I almost scoff, "No. I'm just a wanderer who ended up in the wrong spot at the right time."

"That's a very strange way to live considering how the world is." He was finding me amusing. "Wouldn't you find safety in numbers?"

"I do not make friends easily." That much was true. Something about being half-decently smart and stubborn about being right seems to rub people the wrong way. Also, I didn't exactly have the luxury of making friends when I arrived on this rock.

"You are also fast."

Having cannibalistic children on your ass does that to you. I did not respond. I did however take pride in the fact that I am fast. It's probably what's kept me alive for so long, since I am at a slight disadvantage than most other people on this goddamn moon. I am probably the only Earthborn left for starters.

"Moon." He states her name without turning back. "We can let you have him for now." He saw Bass about to protest but continues on, "We are too wrapped up in our current issues, Bass."

"But we still need judgement!" Bass hisses, "If you let him go, what do you think will start happening the next few times something like this happens? If any of our tribe takes to any of the random wanderers that steal from us, they will demand we take every single one of them in. This will only be the start. Worse, the code we've created and lived by will be for nothing if we are going to undermine it all the time. Also, he seems to be friends with Horror."

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