Chapter 11

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We've been waiting at the hospital for a couple hours now, and they haven't updated us on them yet either.


I woke up... I saw my left leg elevated in the air, it felt sore. Then I noticed my arm was in a cast, that hurt as well. I rubbed my head, I felt bandages, then I realized the throbbing pain on my side, it was all wrapped up... I slowly slid it down to see what actually happened.. I seen so many cuts and scars. I struggled to get comfy in this little bed, but it must've raised my heart rate, because an alarm went off and a bunch of nurses ran in.


I heard an alarm go off, and the intercom said room 223, I looked at my name tag to check...

"Guest: Jerome Aceti

Patient: Mitchell H. & Rebecca S.

Room: 223, 216"

I read room 223, but is it Mitch or Becca.. I don't know nor care but what I do know is I grabbed Emmy while she was sleeping and dragged her to the room. it was Mitch's room! but what could it be !? is he dead... alive !? WHAT!?!


I fell asleep on the couch next to Jerome... I couldn't keep my eyes open! But then I was woken up by Jerome and was dragged to Mitch's room. 'What happened' I thought to myself, when we got in there... I-I seen his eyes!! they're open!! Jerome instantly ran over to him.


I seen Mitch! awake! I ran over to him, I tried to get his attention, but he wasn't answering... I asked the nurse "Does he not remember me?" she said "he doesn't have any mental problems, just the wounds, so he must just be zoned out." Instantly he sat up and looked around, as if he just realized he's awake, but then fell back down because his leg. he screamed "WHERE IS SHE!?" I said "who?" he responded back angrily "where.... is.... she..!?!?" I had asked "Becca?" I could tell that was a yes because he gave me a glare.

J: "She's still unconscious."

M: unconscious?

J: yes, do you not recall what happened?

M: I remember it happening to me, but she got hurt too?

J: yes, she did, but she got it worse...

M: oh no.. (said sadly)

J: they say there's a chance she won't-

M: won't what ?!

J: she won't- 'I couldn't say it, not to him'

M: wake up?

J: 'I put my head down, as in yes, but couldn't come out with it..'

M: ' I broke into tears... she can't be dead, I love her!'


I heard the intercom go off again.. I looked at Emmy and waited. we heard 216. My eyes grew bigger, with worry, I nodded fast and she bolted out the door, I looked back at Mitch, he looked so scared, he must've realized it was Becca, he tried getting off the bed, but I held him down.. Then he stopped struggling and was staring at the door with big eyes... I turned around and seen Emmy, she was smiling, I looked back at Mitch and he smiled back. I asked the nurse if we can put Mitch in a wheelchair and she agreed. So I got him all set up in it and wheeled him over to Becca's room and I rolled him right next to her bed.


She was so pale, she could barely speak either... BUT it was so cute when Mitch kissed her, then he started crying on her shoulder.. he then fell asleep there on her shoulder... I fell asleep in Becca's room and Jerome fell asleep in Mitch's... I'm just happy they're both awake...!



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