Forest of the Dead

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Running I felt the ground start to rise faster and faster I ran suddenly I tripped on a root I had accidentally pulled up to. "Gosh daren't I hate using that power why are you up here I didn't summon you!!!" waiting I heard a whisper. "What did you say?" my voice now soft an calm. "The reaping is near go run and be free or meet your biggest challenge yet there..." the ancient root shook it's voice crying as is withered and died. "Wait NOOO!!! don't go what do you mean!!". Surging with my might I pulled up the other trees roots no whisper came no loving voice crying the forest was dead.

"Crissy where are you!, you got to get ready!" The call of my mom brought me to reality, stumbling of my cliff I made a pushed myself over the fence cursing as I caught my hair on the short stubby barbed wire that ripped at me. "Crissy get down from there before they see you, you know to not go out on the deadly reaping day!" scorn pulled her voice tight. "Now go and clean up in the house and get dressed we dot got much time."

Dripping dry my hair was brushed and I was getting my bright leaf green dress on. "Chrystal Woundedrock" I mumbled under my breath knowing as my 3rd year I was likely to get chosen as the only girl tribute of the games. Huffing about how unfair life was I put my hair into a leaf covered bun and gem necklace my only true belongings.

Hearing the horn I put on my soft smooth green knee length boots and took off giving my step mom a hug and kiss as I left the door. Five long minutes later I gasped as I saw what looked like a blood splattered district hall. Turning to where the crowds were supposed to be only a few people stood the rest laying in bloody piles many had lost body parts and weren't moving some trying to stumble away only to be stopped with the boom of a gunshot and the whoop of the 'peacekeepers' who were given glares by the capitalists.

"Welcome girls and boys, what a nice day for a reaping isn't it?, well as you can see there was a little problem with the start and some people had to be maintained but no worry the reaping will still go on!" The girls high pitched voice was strained and heavy with sickness. "Now let's start with the girls shall we, Chrystal Woundedrock!!!" My gut dropping I stepped up walking on the blood of my friends, my family. "Now for the boys hmmm, ah, Hawk Burningsky, Congratulations Tributes now come with me and we will go!!!"

NO not him not Hawk!! Hawk is my cousin well 8th cousin but still one of my only living relatives all of my family was gone except them my only 3 living relatives.

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