You Found Me

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*This story is rated PG-13 because of sexual, drug and language stuff. thanks for reading and if you are offended ny anything, sorry.

**James's POV**

It was a normal Tuesday night, I'd finished my homework, gotten a snack, and then started my shift. As a rookie cop, my job was to just drive around at night and patrol the streets and radio in anything dangerous.

But then I heard something. A crash. Parking my car, I got out to investigate and turned on my flashlight. There was another crash and then silence. I dismissed it as an alley cat squabble and was about to head back to my patrol car when I heard the sobs.

I quickly scanned the area with my flashlight and was startled when my light landed on the form of a girl.

"Oh God." I ran over to her and attempted to lift her shaking body but she gasped sharply and I almost dropped her.

I set her back down as gently as I could and wrapped my jacket around her before carefully scooping her up and laying her in the backseat of my car. I examined her and saw that she was badly beaten. But the light was too dim to see everything.

I got in the front seat and radioed in to the station.

"Jerry?" I had this real bad habit of forgetting the radio codes and stuff.

"Yeah bud?"

"I'm coming back. With a girl..."

"You stud! You know that's not allowed."

"No, I mean I found her... in an alley. I-I think she was... r-r-raped... She needs immediate medical attention."

Radio silence.

More silence.

"Go straight to the hospital, I'll get someone else to do your patrol."

I drove to the hospital as fast as legally possible.

**Kaylie's POV**

I stumbled out into the street. Everything was blurry and wrong. My ears were ringing and at first I thought I was deaf, but then I heard a car. Thinking that they might be looking for me, I tried to pick up the pace but tripped over something that caused a very loud noise. And then another. I felt my body slam into the old cracked pavement and resigned myself to the fact that I was going back. There was a scampering and another crash. I heard the car door open and so I attempted to inch forward but my cold bloody fingers made contact with a wall. I was so close. SO close. And now they were going to kill me, take me back, or take me back THEN kill me. I curled up, closed my eyes and let my reality hit me.

I suddenly felt a pressure on my back, then weightlessness. I tried to scream but it came out as a strange gasping noise. Everything right after is a bit hazy. I remember something soft and warm envelop me and being laid gently on a cushioned surface. Then everything was black.

When I woke up, everything hurt. I tried to take a deep breath but let out a strangled scream when a sensationally excruciating pain tore through my torso. I opened my eyes and saw white. Then the white began to separate into a room. I tried to sit up but gentle hands eased me back down to my pillow. Then the bed I was on vibrated and I was sitting almost upright.

Another look around the room showed me that there was a man in there. I cringed and shrunk into my pillow and tried to avoid making eye contact. He slowly walked over to me and I tensed, prepared for anything. Except for what he did.

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