Chapter 12: Steve vs. Herobrine (2nd Battle)

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BajanCanadian had a Iron Axe and Xtriker had a diamond axe. Blue Monkey and Weed Lion had enchanted bows. JC111414 and Xtriker 1 helped the destroy the remaning Squids with HuskyMudkip of just Husky who had a Golden Sword of Water Powers also BajanCanadian and Jerome were part of that Attack. Sky, TruMU and Deadlox finished off the Zombie Army. And now Steve was dodging and hiting the hurted-Herobrine-from-the-first-battle-they-had-last-year. Steve got hurt this time, so me and Xtriker 1 decided to help Steve. After that War we had came the peace for a long time. Many Villagers died or turn Zombies. Later Sky suggested to change once again the name of the team and call it The Sky Army, We All aggree except for Steve and Husky who were eating and talking about the battle. Sky told them his plan and that he wanted to become the leader, Steve told him yes and left. We discuss the things like every chest full of 'butter' Armor and swords but all of us stayed with the same swords we had but change Armor from Iron to Gold. The night Steve left, me and Xtriker 1 followed behind him and he went to a portal that had an ender chest with a book that said:

Welcome to the Afterworld, Steve

Steve, come on, choose your destiny now and enter the Portal to see everything you can have if you join me, what do you say?

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