Garys Banned

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"No chance absolutely not" robbies manager said looking at Robbie "aw but come on mate it's Gary he always comes with me" Robbie begged trying to get his boyfriend able to come with him on his tour "no you two are like bloody teenagers when he's around you're always late you just about make it to stage on time, no!" His manager said not budging making Robbie get frustrated "but what if I get horny? Do you really want to hear me go on about how I can't fuck my boyfriend?" Robbie snapped looking straight at his manager "you have a hand don't you? Use it!" He boldly said "Gary's banned" he added before walking into the tour bus. Robbie kicked the bus trie in frustration running his hands roughly through his hair trying to think of a way to get Gary to his hotel rooms and back stage"Psssst" a faint whisper "pssstttt" it became even louder, Robbie was looking round the car park trying to see who it was "fucking useless" a northern voice mumbled moving so Robbie could see him in the bushed "Gary" Robbie said loudly the put his hands over his mouth hoping his manager didn't hear him, but it was his luck that he did "did I hear you say Gary? Is he hear I said he's banned" his manager said coming off the tour bus looking around the car park, Gary jumped into more bushes making him trip and graze his hand "the shit we do for love" he hissed as it stung "what was that" his manager asked looking directly at the bushes "what? No idea what you're talking about mate. Heard nothing me!" Robbie said trying to pull his managers attention away from the bushes "someone's over there, is it press I swear if it's press" he snapped "no no it's probably some cats or birds or some shit go on I'll be there soon" Robbie said pushing his manager back to the bus he looked to his side and seen Gary's naughty grin all he could do is wink at him as his manager finally agreed to get on the bus. " I need a slash I'll be 2 minutes" Robbie stated and jogged over to the bushes and waited till his manager wasn't looking "okay darling you can come out now" Robbie said quietly moving so he was out of sight "thank god my back is killing me now" he heard Gary grumble and seen the figure rise to his left "you're meant to be at home" "and yet I'm here funny that eh lad" Gary smirked and pulled Robbie in by his hoodie kissing him passionately "if you think you're going on tour without me you can bloody think again" Gary said seriously "my manager..." "I don't give a shit about your manager I'm not going nearly 2 months without your god like body" Gary said while looking him up and down "God like eh" Robbie winked "oh shut it!" Gary smiled "I'll find my way in I always do just text me the first hotel and venue...I know how much you shag on tour" Gary said backing him up against the tree behind Robbie "it'll be hard to get in" Robbie said as Gary kissed his neck "I don't care the only person you're fuckin on this tour is me got that" Gary growled holding Robbies hips "y.yes captain" robbie moaned as Gary bit a love bite just under his ear "oops" he said knowing full well what he done "you twat he's gonna see that" Robbie huffed rubbing his neck "good I hope he does and I hope he hears you shouting and screaming tonight when I get my hands on you and every night of this tour" Gary seductively said looking straight at Robbie "every night?" Robbies breath hitched "EVERY NIGHT" Gary said slowly "welcome to the heavy entertainment show? Nah it's welcome to the Gary Barlow show lad" Gary winked making Robbie weak at the knees "shit" he whispered "ROBBIE GET BACK ON THIS BUS RIGHT NOW" they heard his manager shout "duty calls" Robbie smiled "it appears so" Gary cockily said and kissed Robbie roughly, gripping his sliverish hair, biting his lower lip and moving his hips against robbies groin. Robbie moaned into the kiss "I..I" Robbie said between kisses and finally Gary pulled back "fuck sake I'm hard now" Robbie huffed covering his crotch "not my problem but it will be tonight, text me you sexy bastard" Gary said smacking robbies arse as he jumped over a railing to his car he winked at Robbie before he drove off, Robbie walked back to the car park trying to think of a way to explain his evident erection....he couldn't help but think about how great it's gonna be sneaking Gary in and out like teenagers "come on mate get your arse moving" his manager said seeing him "yea yea I'm coming keep your fuckin hair on" Robbie sighed walking on to the tour bus....getting his phone out to text Gary the details

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