3 2 - Unlock Yourself

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For a second, I felt like I was being savagely suffocated. I couldn't breathe. It was like all the air, all the substances in the atmosphere vanished before my eyes. The hot and cold fury also left in peace, with a normal temperature surrounding my body. All the thick smoke was gone.

The impact Max made with the ground shook us all. I was literally blown back by the force of the strong winds, making me feel like I had a whiplash when my head landed on the ground.

Immediately, I stood up, looking at Max. My eyes had flashes of white every time I blinked. The boy had one knee down to the ground, with his brown hair sticking up in random places. His hand was firmly placed in the dirt, and his head was kept down. He looked up.


He stood up and looked around. I realised his eyes were closed when he was down there, not wanting to look at what happened. Max blinked a few times before his jaw dropped, looking behind me. "Did I just do that?" he stammers, pointing above my head.

I spun around and the picture was a scene from a movie.

All the trees were bent back in one direction after the impact of the wind, with the leaves still falling off. No animals or wildlife were close to where we were anymore, even if they were here before. It looked like the force of water damaged the trees, rather than the strong winds controlled by Max. The crazy thing was, the trees were still intact – none of them broke.

"Whoa." I run up to the trees and touch one of them. The bark was warm.

"Guys, what happened?" Lila stands up with Evan by her side, rubbing her head during the process. "What is that?" She points to the trees.

"That was Max."


"Huh?" Max looks up to Lila, but within the next second, he holds his head. He looks up to the sky and starts screaming.

"Max! Max, hey!" Evan yells while running up to him and holding the shoulders down. Max swung his head forward, continuing to scream while Evan somehow kept him in his grasp. Scott then appears and holds his friend's head, telling him to calm down.

Max's eyes then rolled back till his whole eyes were turned white and he started shaking like a rag doll. No one knew what to do. Rather, we were all shouting and yelling, trying to get Max to hear over his constant screaming. Now his screaming started sounding like words.

"Stop. Stop!" he yelled, grabbing Scott by the collar, "TELL THEM TO STOP!"

He continued screaming however, and tears were rushing down from his eyes like a waterfall. Before we knew it, Max was falling to the ground until he stopped screaming... and stopped moving.

"Max? Oh God, Max!" Scott fell to the floor and grabbed his face, shaking it as if it would wake him up. "Someone do something!" Lila went down and checked his pulse and her face went pale.

"Move! Move!" I yell at the crowd around Max. All the others had revived from the screaming and yelling form the rest of us. We were lucky that no one died in the process, or got lost. Wait. Kaden's gone. We'll look for him later.

I got down onto my knees beside Scott and looked above Max. I had no idea what I was attempting to do, but it was the same instinct that over took me when I was with Bryn at the hospital, and Leon when he was supposedly dead. My hands were itching to do something and it was as if they knew what they were doing before I did.

I grabbed the back of Max's head and pulled it up in line with mine. I eased him forward and placed my own forehead with his and kept it held tight. His eyes were glued shut, but I kept my gaze at his eye level.

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