3 3 - Steps in the Depths of the Dark

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"OSTRICHES!" Evan yelled, firing haphazard shots into the air. His blond hair jumped all around as he ran and ran, not even looking back once to check if there actually are ostriches.

"Evan! Will you calm the heck down?" Scott yelled as he stood next to him, panting for breath. "There are no stupid ostriches. Got that?"

"But there are!"

Scott walked over to him, grabbed him by the collar and whacked his face, making Evan blink a few times before breathing out.

"Scott!" I yelled, but he ignored me.

"PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, MAN!" He yelled into his face. Scott let go of his collar, and Evan dropped to the ground, with the gun clutched close to his body. He remained still. I think that he was hallucinating. Post traumatic stress, perhaps. "Max went to the other group and I'm not moody. Get a life!"

I think he definitely was grumpy... but that's none of my business.

Kaden left Bryn and I in charge of half or the group, while the other half were with him, looking for the cave. Kaden, somehow, forgot exactly where the cave was, and half way through our death defying chase from the possessed four, he told us to split up and look for the cave.

Now, he gave no instructions, or where to even go, but I thought that this was the worst idea that he could've come up with. What if we all got lost?

Then he showed me a GPS tracker, attached to the radio, so we could see where the other group were if anyone found the cave. "It was your idea, Melissa," he told me before he left, "If you want to find that cave, this is the only way."

So now here we are, dying from thirst and hunger once again. We've taken at least three more breaks since we last saw Kaden. Luckily, we've seen no sign of the four, but none of us know where they went.

"Melissa," Bryn says, "I think we should go. The faster we do this, the faster we'll get back, right?" Her ginger hair is slicked back with sweat into a small bun at the bottom of her head, making her look like a business woman – who was under a lot of stress.

"Ok, we'll make a move. Kaden hasn't updated us yet."

"So, where do we go?" Scott asks as we all stand up to get moving. I look down at the GPS and see Kaden's red light at least half a mile away. I shake my head and sigh at the screen, "I have no idea. If only Lila was here... she'd know."

"Well, she's not," Evan says, clearly angry about his sister going with the other group, "She's not here and I guess... you guys have the next best thing." He says, proudly standing with his chest out. Everyone's faces went blank.

No one spoke.

"Evan..." Bryn said, "What is it?"

Evan looked everyone in the eye, and when he realized no one was responding, he put his arms down and his jaw dropped. "Seriously, guys? You have... no idea? Absolutely none? Really?"

I shook my head, "Not really, it would help if you told us, though."

"Yeah.. no idea."

"What are we talking about?"

Evan stomped his feet, "Guys, it's me! I'm the next best thing! How could you not... oh give me that!" he yells and snatches the GPS from my hands and stares down at it, as if he would instantly know what to do with it. The whole time, he was staring at a blank screen.

"Uh..." I take te GPS lightly from his hands, switch it on and hand it back, "Here you go buddy."

Embarrassed, Evan shakes his head and now stares at the functioning screen, and we see the red light again. Kaden's group are even further! "Ok, tell us where to go, Evan. Kaden's team are trying so hard and we're doing nothing!"

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