I Will Never Let You Go (a T.O.P. Love Story)

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You walk up the steps to the two bedroom apartment you share with your boyfriend share. when you walk inside you notice five boys sitting on your couch, startled you peer around the corner quickly, to see T.O.P. and his bandmates; Taeyang, Daesang, G-Dragon, and Seungri, all sitting there staring at you puzzled.

"Are you okay?" asks T.O.P., your boyfriend.

"Yes." you say after a minute. "I just thought i went in the wrong house for a minute because i didn't recognize you guys for a moment." you laugh tiredly. You had just got back from work. You worked at a local Retirement home. it was so close you could walk, so it was convenient.

He laughed at you, amused. "You're so cute, Babe! i love you," you hug him hello and go to your shared room and changed into something more comfortable. when you come back out all the boys were eating YOUR chocolate covered strawberries!! you try and pay no mind to it. T.O.P. can tell it was bugging you. "Hey, Y/N, go look in the kitchen"

you walk into the kitchen, but don't see anything out of the ordinary. "What am i supposed to be looking at, Honey?" you yell, confused.

"turn around" says a deep, purring voice from the door. you turn around and there was T.O.P. standing in the doorway with FIVE bags of chocolate covered fruits. you hug him as tight as you can.

"Uuhhh, guys? don't mean to ruin the moment but i think you should see this." says Daesang from the living room. the both of you cautiously

alk out of the kitchen to see the news on. You couldn't read in Korean because you had just moved there from America a year ago. All you know is there is a picture of you and your cousin, Tyler, sitting on a bench eating ice cream when he came to visit. then, next to it is a picture of you and T.O.P.

"Is idol T.O.P.'s special girl cheating on him?" the news anchor is saying in Korean. "Find out more after the break." You were totally and utterly confused.

"y/N, how could you?" T.O.P. says, tears filling his eyes, voice no longer a soft purr.

you look at him confused. "That's my-"

"Get out!" T.O.P. says, clearly this is not what you should have started of with. you walk out the door tears filling your eyes. You had no where to go. You didn't have many friends because you weren't very social, and you moved here alone, meaning you had no family with you in Seoul, South Korea. You run down the street, tears blurring your sight, not knowing where you were going.

A/N: first: sorry the chapter is kinda short but i kinda didn't have a lot of ideas

second: if i suck at doing Choi Seunghyun (T.O.P.) i am sorry.

and last this is dedicated to on

e of my bestest friends in the world Katlyn, who loves Choi Seunghyun

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