part 3~ ^^

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You wake up and think about what had happened the night before. It was light now so you looked around and saw a lot of dust. you sit up with tired eyes. you stare blankly off in space with an empty mind. you wanted some herbal tea. You remember T.O.P. used to make it for you every morning when he was home and you two would sit on the couch and watch television or talk about anything and everything. You stand up, you don't realize what you are doing because you are half asleep.

You eventually end up in front of your apartment. you sit on the last step and start crying. you are fully awake now. You can't stop crying. It seems as though the entire Thames River has entered your body and is releasing itself through your sadness. You sit there like that for around a half hour, when You hear voices from behind the door of the house.

you don't move. you can't. it's as though the tears have frozen your body in place. The door opens and the voices stop abruptly. You start crying even harder.

"What a faker!!" yells the baby maknae still upset.

"Seungri calm down, please," says GD.

"I suppose you came for your things?" asks Taeyang, impatient.

"I guess.." you say shakily.

"What do you mean 'I guess'?!" Seungri yells, clearly he can't swallow the fact you "hurt" his brother and bandmate.

you start crying even harder.

T.O.P. sits by you and says harshly but softly, "What do you want?"

you honestly wanted to sock him in the face. GRRR~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think, HE WON'T LET ME EXPLAIN!! HE WON'T LET ME GET MY STUFF! THERE IS NO POINT IN LIVING ANYMORE HE WAS THE ONE, AND NOW HE BROKE MY HEART!!

"I came to get my stuff and say goodbye." you mumble. then go jump off a stinking bridge! you knew you wouldn't actually do that. you wouldn't make everyone else feel pain because you were upset and jumped off of a bridge. You were so upset, though. How could he do this to you?

"What?" he asks. either he hadn't heard you or he was shocked/ not liking your answer very much.

"I came to say goodbye, get my stuff, and go back to my home country where i have people who let me explain then chose to blame me. at least my family can't do the damage you've done. Unfortunately, though, they can't erase the pain." you say, harshly, loudly. You were still crying but not as hard. just a small sob here and there.

"What are you talking about?" T.O.P. asks. "I let you explain!"

"Uh no you didn't! you cut me of and told me to leave. that doesn't really count as explaining to me. i couldn't even finish a sentence!"

"I'm sorry, okay?! actually you should be the one apologizing to me, considering you cheated on me!!" T.O.P. yells, his rough voice startling you.

"Look, i didn't cheat on you!! that was my cousin Tyler who came to visit when you were on your alive tour!!" you snap back. "If you don't believe me then i will go and you can forget i even existed, just lie you do with all your other girlfriends. since you know your famous, so it's easy to find a new one, right?!" he looks surprised. "Can i have my stuff now?!"

T.O.P. glomped you and started crying. "I'm sorry.. i should have been more considerate of your feelings. i was just so shocked-"

"Save it for the talk show. your an actor, how am i supposed to believe you? you do this everyday!" you say. you wanted to believe him but you weren't sure what to do, so you let anger take over.

the five boys stared at you in shock. "Because i love you." he whispered. it hurt you to see him like this, but you didn't know what else to do.

"How can you love that thing, Hyung?! She broke your heart and you sit there like a lost puppy! i won't sit here and watch my big brother get torn up over a girl!" yells Seungri.

You couldn't take it anymore. you burst into tears again. "I didn't do anything!! why do you insist on blaming everything on me?!" you cry.

T.O.P. stroked your hair the way he usually did. he pulled you into a hug and said in a soft, purring voice, "I believe you."

You hug him back and cry into his shoulder.

A few months later you two areengaged and you are finally close with the big bang members, even seungri.

Hope you guys liked it. I know i made Seungri sound like a mean jerk

but i tried to imagine him like feeling like

the character was hurting him really bad and he i guess trying to protect his friend.

also again, sorry i suck at T.O.P.

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