part 2 ^^

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You finally stop in front of an abandoned church. It was overgrown with Leaves and ferns and looked ugly. But at the same time it reminded you of a beautiful landscape, towering over a beautiful meadow with pretty flowers. Without thinking you walk into the building, flinching away from every spiderweb you come across. you walk into the old, dusty lobby. you keep walking and realize you forgot your cel phone so know you had no light source unless you find a candle. and if you do how would you you get it to light without a lighter or match? then you remembered you had got T.O.P. a new pack of smokes and a lighter. you remember you had set down the cigarettes on the table by the door when you were taking your shoes off, but you don't remember putting the lighter with them. you check your pockets and there was the lighter. you walk faster a bit frightened because it was already getting dark and being inside a building without any light source scared the living shit out of you. you didn't know what was here, either a serial killer or a rabid animal. you go in circles. you didn't know this place was so big. you cant see, so how in the world were you supposed to see a candle. you supposed you could light the lighter and look that way, but you felt it was hazardous considering you were lost in a church alone at night. you felt nervous also because when you were sixteen you accidentally set the house on fire when you were babysitting because you forgot that yo were cooking and one of the kids was biting the other kids. you burned the entire house down as well as half of your neighbor house. luckily you saved all the children and the neighbors from your mess.

You start to cry remembering the time you and T.O.P. went to eat ice cream and he kept shoving yours all over your face, and when you two went to the zoo, and the amusement park. You fall down to the ground and start crying even harder. He didn't even let you explain. You knew you had to go back at some point. You didn't want to, but you did. This had happened with all your other boyfriends. you were so happy then something out of the blue came up and ruined everything. i mean you had never dated anyone famous, or had met anyone you hadn't known was famous and could tell by just looking at them that they were the one.


You were walking down the street with your latte. you had just moved to Seoul, South Korea. You turn onto Coot Lane. (Coot means flower in Korean) you look up just in time to see a tall man walking backwards with another man slightly shorter than him walking normally. The boy walking backwards bumps into you and you two fall down. then you realize you just got your burning hot coffee all over his white shirt.

"Oh my goodness i am so sorry!!" you say helping him up and bowing for the disruption as you had been taught. "I'll buy you a new one, i swear. the coffee stains most likely won't come out of that."

The shorter boy laughs at your face as the taller boy stands up. you were kind of scared. you didn't know how this man would react. this was your first day as an official Korean citizen and you hadn;t really been out of the little ranch they had ou at while you were learning the customs and language. although you hadn't really been taught to read in Korean. what a big help they were. lol.

You look down not seeing the taller male staring down at you. "It's fine, i have plenty of shirts." a very deep voice says laughing. "what's your name anyway, just in case?"

You look up to see the two looking at you. You looked in the boy's eyes and knew for some reason he would be a good friend if you got to know him. He was very handsome. You had this weird feeling that he was going to be a very special person in your life.

"I... I'm Y/N....." you say blushing bowing politely again.

"I am T.O.P." he says. "From Big Bang. Have you heard of us?" he pauses and when you don't answer he says, "I guess not. you probably haven't even heard of K-pop, have you? you seem to be a new citizen. you are quite the nervous one. and you have an accent.."

"What's K-pop?" you ask.

the two boys laugh softly at your confusion. "K-pop is Korean Pop." says the shorter boy.

"Oh," you say, feeling stupid

"I am Kwang Ji Yong, my stage name is G-Dragon, i am the leader of Big Bang. This is the rapper of the band," the shorter boy says, gesturing from himself to the taller boy. "His name is Choi Seunghyun, stage name T.O.P." the two boys bow politely.

"So where were you heading?" says T.O.P. "you seemed a little lost." he flapped his shirt trying to get the burning from the coffee to stop.

"I was going to YG Entertainment to fill out a job application. Do you know where the building is?"

"Of course, we are actually signed with them. Let's go. We were heading there anyway. Let's get the others first though." says T.O.P.


That's how it happened, you think, just like that. You wished that moment would go on instant replay and you could relive it again. You get up off the floor and walk a little farther forward and bump into a wall. You were so smart it was pitch black and you decided to walk without using a light. You light the lighter and find you are in the Sanctuary. You go sit on one of the benches and put your face in your hands after you put out the lighter.

You hear something suddenly and immediately go silent. You hear footsteps. Suddenly someone taps on your shoulder. you were so scared. You wondered if this was a ghost, or a fangirl that didn't like you going out with her idol. You had got fanhate, but not much of it, because your boyfriend had taken care of it.

"Are you okay?" said a soft voice, curious.

You look up to see a girl about 15 years of age holding a candle, wearing a Big Bang sweater. she gasped. "You're T.O.P.'s girlfriend?!"

You nod slowly, afraid of what she might do. You had never met one of his fans in person.

"What happened? i saw what was on the news is that true? were you cheating on him?" she wasnt trying to be rude or anything. just asking. you could tell she was trying to comfort you.

"No that other boy is my cousin Tyler when he came to visit last year. T.O.P. didn't meet him because he was on the Alive Tour.

"I am guessing he dumped you?"

"He didn't even let me explain!" you sob, the girl rubs your back soothingly. "I don't understand."

"I am going to guess you are going to get fanhate... Try going now. go explain, maybe now he is a little more calm."

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"I.. I am lost" you admit embarrassed.

"Let's go.." she says leading you out of the sanctuary."What are you doing here anyway?"

"I was running and got lost. it was dark so i came in here."

"Why were you running??"

"Because T.O.P. told me to go away and i started crying and running." you say.

You ring on the doorbell, afraid to just walk in the door. The door opens slowly as you look at the ground. "What do you want?" Seungri, the maknae, hisses from the doorway.

"I came to explain what happened." you say tears building up in your eyes at the way he said his last question.

"Right, you hurt Hyung!! You little-" Seungri snaps.

"Who is it?" asks G-Dragon, coming around the corner to the entryway. "What do you want?! and make it quick!"

"I just- never mind it seems like i don't even get to explain then, huh? All i wanted to do was tell you guys what happened, then pack my stuff and go back to my home country!!" you scream, then turn around crying and start heading down the steps. At the sound of your voice, T.O.P. comes running around the corner. He's heard what you had said.

"Wait!!" he yells. "Y/N, come back!!"

it was too late you were already walking around the corner of the street.

You find yourself back at the church and find a candle. You light it and go to the sanctuary where you fall asleep on a bench at 1:12AM.

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