Day 9

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Hey guys! So I've gotten a little time to update so here it is. It'll be a quick summary because I don't have much time so yeah! ALSO PANIC! AT THE DISCO CONCERT IS TONIGHT! I'M SCREAMING!

Third hour we had a sub, and she had an adorable accent! I thought it was such a cool accent!

Fourth hour we discussed our test for tomorrow.

At lunch my fren accidentally touched my neck and I collapsed on the floor, and some of my other frens asked if I was all right and I said "My neck has been violated" 

HEY GUYS! Sorry this is so late! Turns out I didn't have time, and when I came back, I was to exhausted. BUT HOLY CRAP THE CONCERT WAS AMAZING AND JUST JSDIOH:UDFOIUDOUIDIOD. I WANNA GO BACK! ANyhow sorry it's so late!

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