Four; Into the dreams we go.

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Janice had secrets. Secrets that's would make the infamous bad boy Eden look at her differently. Secrets that only her and the monster in her dreams knew.  

She didn't care what anyone in that room wanted to say. She did not fear dying, and the man knew that. In fact he taunted her with the fact that he did know, and that what she feared most was those silent, agonizing seconds before she did die. Every night when she did mange to close her eyes to rest, she would awake to the very nightmare she feared since she was nine years old.  

The stale air of the theater room of the school brought Janice back to the present and out of the deep corners of her mind. She did not know how much time had past since Eden suggested the idea but when she came out of her thoughts, the small room was in a total uproar.  

" Are you nuts?" 

"Why don't you do it since you think you are such a badass." 

"Well you might as well hold the barrel to her temple ! Since you are pretty much sentencing her to her death!" 

Voices were being thrown all around the room and Janice had a hard time keeping up with who said what. She did notice, however, that Eden rolled his eyes and stood up from a dainty, red, plush sofa and leaned his back against the wall. "oh stop being a bunch of mellow dramatic pussys." he said calmly, but with so much authority that the room fell nearly silent. "No one is going to let her die. We'll wake her up if things get too bad. And besides, you all saw her tattoo! She is clearly not afraid of dying!" 

Janice did not like the fact that people were talking as if she were not even in the room; it was not only rude, but very annoying. Clearing her throat, she got the attention of everyone in the room. "No." She starts, catching the eye of Drew, who looks smug, and star football player Landon, who looks emotionless, as he has since the suicide yesterday. "I'll do it."

Landon thought the girl was a plain fool. But a shit load braver than he was. Landon not only felt ashamed of they way he had been acting, but angry as well. But what was he supposed to do? Just because he was popular, and good at football, that meant he had to act like he wasn't scared? Did that mean he had to act like he knew what he was doing, what he was saying? No. Because he didn't know what he was doing or saying so he kept his mouth shut and his face expressionless. 

When he was twelve years old, his brother was six. Mom and dad worshiped the ground Issac walked on. He was their pride and joy, their happiness, their son. Landon never minded, the way he saw it was, Sue and Robert fed him, gave him a warm bed, hot food, and a good amount affection.  

Sadly though, Sue and Robert were only his adoptive parents, he was their adopted son, while Issac was the little miracle they wished for every night.  

When Issac was born Landon fell into the shadows. But even the shadows were not worse than going back to the orphanage. Because there he seen some crazy stuff; let's just say that the suicide the other day was not the first that Landon has witnessed.  

Things were going great for Landon, he loved his new little brother, his parents did smile everytime Landon made Issac laugh. Each and every day he cherished the moments he has with his family In case he would have to be suddenly taken away and be sent back to that awful place he had came from. If only that was the worst thing to happen. 

Six years later, Issac turned six. He loved action figures, his favorite food was cheese pizza and he had the voice of an angel. Landon was twelve and it was the first time his parents had intrusted him on watching his baby brother. They told Landon that they were only going down the street for a garden party and that they'd be back within the next hour. 

You can imagine his ecstasy when he found out his beloved parents thought he was responsible enough to watch his little brother! 

Landon was good at baby sitting , he found out; he fed him, played with him, bathed him and put him to bed. It was ten at night and issac had been asleep for a couple of hours. It worried Landon that his parents were suppose to be due back hours ago.  

He paced worriedly back and forth in the front room for an hour for his parents to get home. When the big, oak, grandfather clock in the livingroom struck twelve there was a knock on the door. Landon remembers with such intensity the three, quick, short raps the person knocked on the door with.  

In that moment Landon stopped pacing and looked up at the mahogany door with an unearthly fear, the kind of fear he did not recognize. Then, like clock work, a loud booming laugh sounded, as the same time a child's scream echoed throughout the empty house.  

It took Landon less than a second to race up the stairs to the far left room where Issac was supposed to be sleeping soundly at. With a rush of adrenaline he threw open the door to see the tips of Issac's small hands reaching out to captivate his older brother into saving him from the strange, dark man stealing him away from his home.  

It was pointless though, Issac was gone through the medium sized bay window before Landon had even gotten a scream through his white lips.  

His parents got home, ironically, half a second later to find Landon huddled in the corner of Issac's room crying his sad little eyes out. That was they last time Landon had ever seen his little brother, ad the last time his parents ever touched him. 

So yeah maybe big bad football player Landon should say something to the girl who is about to get her self killed, but he didn't. Just because he was good looking, and was on the football team didn't mean he had to be everyones fucking hero.  

He couldn't even save his own brother from the man in his dreams, hell he can't even save himself, much less some girl he has never talked to who is basically offering her self up to the man. If she is down to do it then shit, Landon thought, into the dreams you go.

Ohkay so this is NOT where I wanted to stop. In fact this was not even supposed to be posted because I'm not even finishe writing it yet. After this peice i was going to go straight into janice and her dream land but I'm on my phone and I don't know what happened but I accidenly pushed published and i was like oh shit! Because I was in the middle of an effning sentence and I had to finish this all while this chapter was already published!  

Did I mention I am doing this on my phone?! I havet had my computer in months and yes, that is my Kane excuse for not uploading! But it's short, there are more misstakes in this than all of snookies drunken jersey shore life times. But I got it up and I'm not happy with it but it's up! I'm sorry guys): I promise next time it won't be half as bad!


The song is Mad World by Gary Jules. The song is creepy and errie and I think it fits with Landons thoughts.

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