Five; Scary mosters and not so nice spirits.

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WARNING: It is a little harsh. Some sexual contact, I'd advise some to keep in mind that this is a sroty about people's FEARS and this is a REAL fear most women, teenagers, and even children face. So i am sorry if its hard for you to read. but I hope you enjoy everything else.

"I can't sleep with you idiots staring at me, huddled in a circle all creepy like." Janice snaps, "idiots.." she mummers again once they all mutter apologies and turn away. She doesn't remember how long it has been, only that it has been a while since she told the group that she was okay with 'taking a nap.'

Taking in a deep shuttering breath, she closed her eyes and tried to picture a happy image. She hoped, even though it was futile, that if she did fall asleep, the dream man wouldn't be there. Maybe, she mused herself, he is off in another part of the world, torturing another innocent soul. She only wished she could believe that, but she somehow knew, that once she closed her eyes, he'd be behind her eyelids, waiting and taunting her.

Janice was tired though, and that, she could not hide. She slept a little before going to get Drew, but that was only an hour at the most. Slowly, and without much of a choice, she began to drift off into the deep, dark dream.

The first thing Janice noticed about her dream, was that she was twelve years old again. Sitting in her room, on a small twin bed, listening to her CD player. Janice did not know what concerned her most; the fact that this dream almost felt normal, or the fact that she knew that it wasn't normal, that she some how knew that the man in her dreams was behind this all. Since, she was at the exact age that changed her for the rest of her life.

Twelve year old Janice looked behind her out of the window, and she almost wanted to laugh at the fact that it was a bright sun shinning day. This was a nightmare after all, wasn't the weather suppose to be all gloomy?

Then Janice heard a car door slam, and suddenly, she did not feel like laughing at all. She could pretty much feel all the color drain from her face and her palms grow cold and sweaty. "Oh no, oh no, oh no." She mumbled, jumping off from her small bed and pacing around her tiny room.

"I'm home!" A deep voice called out with a slam of the door. Janice almost fainted at the sound of his voice, a voice she hated to hear, the voice of her biggest fear.

"It's just a dream, just a bad dream." Janice said aloud, clamping her eyes shut so hard it gave her a headache. Only, when she reopened her eyes, Janice was not twelve years old anymore, she was eighteen. It all hit her then, it was just a dream. If only that was a good thing.

He barged in her room like a stampede of wild animals, he looked her over with a hungry expression and a crazed look in his eyes. "Tanner.." Janice gulped, backing up to the furthest corner of the room. "My... my mom will be home any minute now."

Tanner was a handsome man; in his late twenties he was already fifteen years older than her mother. If he hadn't been such a creep-ass since the moment he met her, than Janice probably would have made good friends with him. "No honey, I made sure she wouldn't be home for a while... we have time." He said in a sweet voice that ran chills up her back.

"Please.." She pleaded, although she didn't know who to; Tanner, or the gang back at the school to wake her up out of this nightmare.

He stalked closer to her, like a lion stalking his prey, waiting to pounce at any moment. "Don't worry Shay," He whispered, his hot breath hitting her tear soaked face, his sent making her gag. "I'll be gentle this time." His long, callused fingers ran up her stomach, reaching up her shirt, further, and further. "Shay, you smell.. like apples." He said, licking his lips and then bringing them down to her throat where she let out a strangled scream. "So good!" He roared, clamping his hand over her mouth as she wriggled to get free of this monster.

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