Forty Three - "You were with her, weren't you?"

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Forty Three.

"You were with her, weren't you?"

Kelsey's Point of View:

"Kelsey! Sweetheart, open up!" I groggily moaned, stretching my arms upwards before shifting to my side, snuggling up to whatever it was next to me.

"Kelsey! Are you even awake? Open up this door right now young lady!" My mom's voice pierced through my eardrums.

Groaning, I fluttered my eyes open, wiping them with the back of my hands to take away the sleepiness I still had before sitting up and looking around when my eyes landed on a peacefully sleeping Justin beside me.

"Kelsey Anne!" My mom called out again, getting more aggravated by the second.

My eyes widened as realization hit. Hurriedly, I pushed Justin's side. "Justin!" I hissed, shaking him. "Justin, wake up!"

"Mmm." He turned his head to the other side, facing away from me.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed him once more, this time, harder. "Justin!"

"What?" He mumbled.

"Wake up, my mom is right outside the door!"

"Kelsey Anne Jones, what in the world is going on in there?"

"I'm coming mom!" I called back quickly before turning towards Justin, hoping to see him awake but to my dismay, he was still sleeping.

"Justin!" I snapped quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "Wake up before I beat the living crap out of you!"

"Jesus Christ babe, what the fuck is wrong with you?" He groaned, fluttering his eyes open.

"What's wrong with me?" I emphasized. "What is wrong with you?" I shoved his shoulder. "Get the hell up and hide! My mom is right outside the door!"

His eyes widened at the mention of my mom. "Shit, are you serious?"

"Kelsey!" Mom spat once more. "Open this door before I get your father to knock it down!"

"Fucking hell," Justin sat up in bed, scrambling to his feet as he ran his fingers through his hair to tame it while looking around for some place to hide.

I looked around as well to help him when my eyes landed on my closet. "Quick! Hide in there!" I pushed him towards the door.

"The hell, babe? Stop pushing me!" He hissed while making his way towards the closet.

"Just get inside and don't say a word!" I warned, watching as he rolled his eyes and walked inside the closet, closing the door behind him.

Making sure nothing looked out of the ordinary, I walked over to the door that led to my room, twisting the knob and opening it to reveal a very furious mother. "Hey mom..." I waved awkwardly.

"It's about time you opened up this door young lady. I was beginning to get worried."

"I was going to take a shower mom, sorry that I couldn't hear you through the running water." I sarcastically replied.

"I didn't hear the water running."

"Well, that's because you were too busy yelling at me." I pointed out with a smirk.

"Don't get smart with me young lady." She sternly spoke.

"I was just kidding mom." I muttered while shifting my weight onto my left hip, my arms crossed against my chest.

"Who were you even talking to?" She stared at me with narrowed eyes. "And why are you still wearing your clothes from last night?"

"No one?" I stared at her as if she had lost her mind even though on the inside, I was dying. If she found out Justin was here, both he and I would be dead. "And I fell asleep reading my book..." I trailed off, inwardly cursing myself for the stupid excuse I had come up with.

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