Thirty - "Don't talk to me like that."

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"Don't talk to me like that."

Justin's Point of View:

After I took a shower, I felt so much more relieved that I had before.

Sure, Kelsey and I's heavy make-out session calmed my nerves but the feeling of the hot water relaxing my muscles made the feeling all the more enhanced.

Wrapping a towel around my lower waist, I opened the door to the bathroom, stepping out and into my room where I carefully walked across to the dressers, making sure I didn't wake Kelsey along the way.

Once I had made it soundlessly, I pulled open the drawer with my pajamas inside, grabbing outa pair of sweats and a t-shirt, similar to those I had given Kelsey, I dropped my towel to the ground before slipping them on.

Running my fingers through my hair, I took once last glance towards Kelsey before stepping out of the room and softly closing the door behind me.

Jogging my way down the stairs, I found myself face to face with all the guys seated on the couch, Bruce being one of them. I sighed. This was going to be interesting...

I licked my lips. "Hey," I bit my lip, wondering how everyone was going to react but all I got was silence before Bruce spoke up.

"How are you holding up?" He looked up at me and as I stared back into his eyes, all I saw was sincerity.

I shrugged. "Good, I guess." I took a seat on the love chair, glancing around at all the guys.

"How is she?" Bruce asked a few seconds later. I shot my head up in alert mode.

"John told us what happened," He cleared his throat, shifting in his chair.

I nodded my head, glancing at John for confirmation. When he gave me the look that simply said he had, I looked back over at Bruce. "She's a bit shaken but she's alright for the most part..." I paused, thinking back on how she was crying in the bathroom. "She could be better." I leaned back in the seat.

He nodded his head. "I'm really sorry."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "For what? You didn't do anything--"

"Yes, I did." Bruce shook his head. "I was a bit rough on you and especially on that girl upstairs that I presume is in your room. I never knew just how much she meant to you but tonight, it opened my eyes."

I fumbled in my seat. I wasn't much on feelings, especially when it came to discussing it so I just merely nodded my head once more.

"I heard what he did to her..." Bruce shook his head. "You should have called us. We would have been there in a second and made sure he paid for the crap he put her through."

I couldn't help but smile softly. When it came to me and the people I care about, the guys were more than considerate, they actually cared. "Thanks man and I know but I thought I had everything handled--I did have everything handled until Kelsey stopped me from killing the prick." I couldn't help but feel the anger get to me.

I should have killed him despite what she wanted but I couldn't bring myself to hurt her more than she already was.

"Why didn't she?" Bruce stared at me bewildered. "When John told me you let him live, I couldn't believe my ears. Since when do you leave your victims alive?"

"Since Kelsey came into my life." And that was the honest to God truth.

Bruce silenced after that, pressing his lips to a firm line as he took in this information. "Is she still up? I'd like to meet her."

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