8.5 - Time Crunch

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(Bayley's POV)

"Scotland Yard isn't doing enough!" I said furiously, slamming the nearest table. Mary held Rosie close, her eyes slightly wide at my outburst. "We can't wait for them to act. We need to do something!"

"I agree," said John.

Ever since Rachel and Amanda disappeared, we'd been at it trying to find any solid leads. So far, we'd come back with nothing. No ways to track their phones. No idea of their last whereabouts. We were literally going into this investigation with nothing.

"Please, by all means, suggest a starting point," I snapped to Sherlock. "If anyone can give us a start somewhere, it'd be you!" But surprisingly the consulting detective hadn't been cocky or sure about any leads.

Truthfully, none of us had slept. I wasn't sure who was suffering the most.

"Did Greg ask all of the stores for their security footage?" I asked John.

"They're still going through all of it. These things take time."

"Amanda and Rachel might not have time, John!"

"Bayley, please," Mary said quietly. "We know we're on a time crunch. Going at each other's throats isn't the way to handle this."

"I can't believe I'm saying it, but, I wish Moriarty would throw us a damn bone." I fisted my hair in anxiety. At this point, we were all certain this was Moriarty's doing. We weren't sure what kind of game he was playing, if he was playing separate ones with us and Rachel and Amanda. Poor Amanda...

I heard Mrs. Hudson's tiny feet patter up the steps. She sorted through the mail.

"Got a bit of your mail again, Sherlock," she said in her squeaky voice. "One has no return address."

At this, we all perked up. John grabbed the envelope and began to open it.

"Any luck with the girls?" Mrs. Hudson asked.

"None," Mary reported.

"The poor things, in the hands of that madman. Well, you'll catch them, the lot of you. If he was foiled once, he will be again."

"Sherlock," John stuttered.

All eyes went to John. I walked in closer. He has her. He definitely has her.

John held Rachel's engagement ring.

Sherlock joined John, taking the envelope. John and I exchanged worried glances, and then I looked to Sherlock who took out a small paper from the envelope. Mary crooned to Rosie, bouncing her in her arms.

"She's not dead," I said firmly.

"No, not dead," Sherlock confirmed. "But definitely in danger. Amanda isn't looking too well, though." He held a photograph of Amanda, and she looked awful. She was a prisoner, shackled to a chair, cut, red, and bloody. Her eyes painted the picture of pure terror. "No picture of Rachel."

"Oh, the poor dear!" Mrs. Hudson whimpered.

"Can these tell us anything?" I asked Sherlock. "Ink of the pen? The picture itself? Any scents? Something?"

"Possibly, but I can't do my job if you're up my ass. Go out someplace and worry for a bit. I'll let you know if I come up with anything."

"As soon as you do, understand?"

Sherlock glowered at me. "I know how much she means to you, Bayley. She means a great deal to us all. We'll find her, and her friend. We'll get them back."

For your sake, we better. If it weren't for Sherlock and John's association with the man, Rachel wouldn't be in this position. She was pulled in by association. And here I thought I was out of this mess when I fled Moriarty's group. Some things just come crawling back. They want you pulled back in. It's sadistic. It's damning.

Hopefully after this, when this was all said and done, there would be no more. No more of having to watch our backs. No more worrying about Rachel being abducted by a madman. No more worrying about being put in the line of fire.

"I'll go with you," Mary offered to me. "I know a few good places to visit. We'll make an adventure of it. Won't we?" She cooed to Rosie, who cooed to her back.

Bless Mary Watson for being the one with a level head in all of this.

**Didn't want Rachel to hog all the spotlight. Figured I'd give a look at the other side of things via Bayley.**

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