Broken Board and Sleepy Confesions.

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I walked into the bar with my head low. I didn't want to show everyone I got in another fight. They would probably scold me for being reckless and too violent.

I could feel my eye throbbing, so I walked quickly, till someone grabbed my arm and yanked me towards them. I kept my head down and looked at the person's feet. I could tell it was Kusanagi, and I already know what he was gonna do.

"(Y/n), are you gonna tell me what happened or do I have to put you on cleaning duty for the next month?" He asked, knowing that if I stayed in this building for more than I had to I would go utterly insane.

I sighed, but kept my head down while I talked. "There were these guys that were picking on some little kid, so I stepped in and told them to mess off. They asked me what I was gonna do about it, so I told them to come and see. And so they ran towards me and punched me in the eye. Me, knowing that if they hit me, I can hit back, so I beat the shit out of them. So there, am I still on cleaning duty?"

Kusanagi sighed as well. He tilted my head up to check my eye. "It's nothing too serious, just put some ice on it. And no, you won't have to clean since l did say that if you told me you wouldn't have to. Now get out of here before I change my mind kid," he said pushing my head towards the stairs.

I walked up the stairs as fast as I could, hoping that I could fix my board before tomorrow. Figuring it got broken during the fight, and if I didn't hide it in my bag Kusanagi would have killed me.

< flash back >

"You know, maybe we shouldn't mess with her. I think that's the hooded girl that beat us up last time," one of the guys said somewhat trembling.

"Yeah that's me," I said confidently.

These chumps were nothing last time lets see what they got.

"Who cares, we'll beat her anyway. Last time we weren't ready, but now, she won't stand a chance. It's three of us and one of you little girl," said the obvious leader of these idiotic boys.

"You think you'll win? Ha, that's cute, well then come and get it," I said, putting my hand on my hip.

The more confident guy came at me and punched me in the eye. He tried to punch me again but I already had my board up to block. His punch was way stronger than I anticipated, and it broke. I stood there dumbfounded. And then rage filled my body and I began to attack all of them as hard as possible

< flash back over >

I pulled the pieces out of my old drawstring bag and examined them under the light of my lamp, sitting criss-crossed on my bed. I looked at the break and realized, there is utterly no way I can fix this old piece of junk.

"Oh well," I sighed, "I'll have to buy a new one. At least that poor kid is ok."

I woke up at around 2:30 because of the really loud storm. I wanted to go to sleep, but I really had to pee. I pulled the covers off of me and realized that I was still in my clothes from yesterday. Before I left my room, I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt from some random event I volunteered at.

I walked out of my room and across the hall near Misaki's room to use the restroom. I knock lightly on the restroom door to make sure nobody was in there and waited a couple seconds. Once nobody said anything, I walked in and did my business. Once I finished, I washed my hands and walked downstairs to get some ice for my eye since it was causing me to get a headache.

I put the ice in a bag, put the bag on my forehead, tilted my head back, closed my eyes, and pretended that I was on a tightrope, walking back and fourth.

I let my mind wander around, thinking about questions that probably have simple answers. I felt myself involuntarily start to fall backwards. I couldn't really think of why, but I let it happen. After not hitting the ground, I opened my eyes and gave them a few seconds to adjust. Once they did, I realized that Misaki had caught me.

"What are you doing up so early, and why are you balancing ice on your head?" He asked with a confused look smacked onto his face.

"Oh you know, preparing for clown college. It's that Ivy League shit, so you wouldn't know about it," I said as he pushed me up and I turned to properly face him.

"OH YE-" I cut him off with my hand remembering that he gets easily heated.

"Hey," I started, a great idea manifesting in my head, "you wanna do for an extremely early morning skate?" I asked already half way up the stairs to get my board. He happily accepted, but I turned around with a sad look on my face, remembering that jerk who smashed it in half. "Actually, I rather just walk. My board is kinda broken."

"Well, then I guess we can walk, are you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah l, just let me put on some shoes," I said rushing up the stairs. I had a smile on my face larger than life. I really liked Misaki, he was just so cute and fun to be around. And he was definitely a good match of my strength, so fighting him took a while, but it was still fun. I put on my socks and some slides and ran down stairs.

We walked outside and just talked about things, until we found a park bench to sit at. By that time it was already 3:00 in the morning and I was starting to feel my eyelids fall. I rested my head on Misaki's shoulder as he started to talk about how much he missed Tatara.

"Me too. He was so much fun to be around. If only we would have gone with him. Maybe we could have helped him. If only-" I yawned and he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah (y/n) if only." He said. "So, tell me how you broke your board," I heard him say. I wanted to say something back, but my mouth wouldn't let me. So all I could let escape was a slight 'mhmm.'

"(Y/n), I just thought you should know, that I like you a lot. You're the only girl I don't stutter around. You're super sweet and an amazing fighter. We get fired up over the same things, and I know you'll do anything for this clan. You're just amazing, a-and I love you."

That was so cute. All of those things he said, they were so sweet.

I looked up at him, smiled, and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too Misaki. Now let me sleep." I wrapped my arm around his stomach. I felt him put his head on top of mine, and I slowly drifted away with thoughts of my cute little Yata Misaki.

< Authors Note >

Oh my that was pretty awful. But it's just a small start. Sorry this took forever, I just had a blank spot for the title (don't ask). Don't forget to send in requests. I'm doing all so don't hesitate. Also, if you want a part two of any of the ones ever, I'll re-read them and try to continue it.

I'm super sorry for how late this. I have to do a bunch of stuff for my JROTC class. Yes I know that stuff seems boring, but I actually enjoy it.

Anyway, all talk to you guys later 💕

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