Last Breaths

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This request is from @freelittlegirl
It's Cheater! Misaki x Mikoto's Dying Sister (Reader). Please pay mind to the fact that I will have to slightly (or drastically depending on what you look like) change your appearance in the story to match somewhat of Mikoto's. Don't forget to send in more requests!


I haven't seen my brother in a hot minute because of all the wandering I did. He never stopped me, and neither did my boyfriend Misaki.

I walked through the bar doors and gave Izu a big smile. "Where's my cutie at?" I asked as I sat down and he handed me a glass of (f/d).

"I'm not sure. He hasn't come downstairs all day, and neither has our king," he replied. I felt my stomach turn about the thought of my brother and my boyfriend secluding themselves.

I quickly finished my drink, leaned over the counter and pecked Izu's cheek, than ran upstairs to check on my boys. First was my brother.

"Onii-chan, you up?" I asked as I slowly opened the door, not trying to disturb him if he wasnt. He was laying on the bed smoking a cigarette with his eyes closed. He didn't acknowledge me, ‭so I decided to lay on him.

I heard him grunt and watched him slowly open his eyes. My face was close to his, but not close enough to get burnt by the end of his cigarette, my fire red (h/s) hair framing my face, and my wide (e/c) eyes boring into his.

"It's good to see you too, (Y/n), but shouldn't you be checking on that boyfriend of yours?" He asked with an obvious smirk on his face. I just glared at him.

"You know, if you keep smirking like that, your face will get stuck," I stated, getting off of him. He sat up and ruffled my hair, while I gave him a shy smile. I quickly pecked his cheek and walked out of the room with a small wave.

I walked two doors down and opened the door to see a shirtless sleeping Yata. I smiled slightly at the sight of him and slowly walked in, until I heard the sound of the bathroom flush and the light turn off. I saw some girl who I've never seen in my life step out of the doorway and stare at me. My jaw dropped, but not as fast as my heart. I felt the tears form in my eyes, but I knew for a fact I wasn't going to be crying over a boy.

I closed my eyes, turned around, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I ran downstairs and almost everyone but Kusanagi, Anna and Tatara looked at me with pity and sorrow.

"So all of you knew about this? Wow, what a fucking family, excuse my language Anna," I said walking out of the bar.

'I knew something was up,' I thought to myself. I heard fast footsteps behind me, and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to be met with Tatara.

"Hey (N/n), what happened?" He asked, concern prominent in his voice.

"Yata is what happened. He cheated, which is funny because the Yata I know is a stuttering baboon when it comes to females," I sighed. I felt the tears form in my eyes once again.

"Did everyone know about this?" He asked, referring to my statement back at the bar.

"Most likely, except you Anna and Kusanagi apparently. And probably not my brother either, because we all know how that would go."

Tatara and I walked around for a while, and we ended up chilling on a park bench, watching the sun go down. It felt nice to have a friend who cared.

🎈 two months later 🎈

Most everybody had apologized, and I excepted it. They all claimed that they were trying to find a way to tell me without hurting me, but then realized that they should have just told me flat out. And also, my assumption about Kusanagi, Tatara, Anna, and my brother not know was correct. I decided not to tell Mikoto; I lied saying that it would have been better if we just stayed friends, but I knew for a fact that i still loved him.

Yata and I don't talk unless necessary, or if my brother's in the room, and when we do, it's awkward. I called it off with him, I told him what I saw, and I was honest about it. He admitted to what he had done, and after some whisper yelling and an argument that felt like forever, we ended it.

I was walking back from my job as a cashier at the local convenient store when I felt something following me. There wasn't a lot of people out since it was rather late.

"Alight show yoursel-"

I couldn't finish, I wasn't quick enough. A loud bang was heard and a sharp pain was sent through my stomach. I felt the tears flowing freely down my cheeks, pain surging through my body.

I pulled my left wrist up to my face and sent out my location to Kusanagi and my brother. I dragged myself across the floor, sitting myself up against a wall. Apparently the person who shot me was just working on target practice because he or she was no longer there.

"(Y/N)!" I heard the all too familiar skateboarder call. His eyes landed on me and quickly made his was over to me, Kusanagi, Kamamoto, my brother, and Anna quick to follow.

I saw the tears in Anna's eyes, and immediately felt my whole world fall. Anna was my everything. My little sister. After Yata had cheated, Anna never left my side unless I told her to stay inside with Mikoto.

She ran up to me and hugged me. "P-please (Y/n), don't let your pretty red fade away." She whimpered into my shoulder. I felt her warm tears seeping through my (f/c) sweatshirt. I didn't even know Anna had the ability to cry.

"Anna, I love you so much. Do me a favor and," I let out a cough. I cover my mouth with my sleeve, and I saw blood. "watch over that big dummy for me. You know how," another cough escaped my lips, I felt my throat opening and closing, "reckless he can be sometimes. Rikio, make sure Misaki stays out of trouble. And Kusanagi," another cough. I saw the tears falling down everyone's face. Anna still had her head buried in my neck, "you watch over everyone. I know I'm asking a lot from you, but promise me to keep my idiots safe."

"Anything for you (Y/n)," Kusanagi replied. He showed a smile; it looked genuine.

"Onii-chan, you always fight for what you believe in, ya hear. Fight to protect, not destroy."

More blood, more coughing, harder sobs from Anna, more pain.

"Yata, you asshole, I still love you, and don't - you - for - get - it."

"I'm-I'm so sorry (Y/n), I really messed up." The tears streamed down his face faster as he ended up on his knees, his head facing down.

I couldn't help but smile at them all.

"I love all of you." I rose my arm weakly, "no blood,"

"(Y/N) NO, DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME," Mikoto screamed.

"No bone."

Anna's sobs got so bad. My whole shoulder was wet.

"N-No ash."

The crying and the screams were the last things I heard.


This doesn't have much Yata in it and I'm so sorry about that. I made volleyball tryouts, so now practice is killing me. All I've been able to do is sleep and eat and shower. I'll try to update more.


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