Chapter 14

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With Naia off doing a favor for Donnic, Varric had the first shift watching the Dockside for signs of trouble. Juliet was scheduled to leave Alistair in Varric's charge and return at midnight, but she found herself staying, sitting side-by-side with Varric at the bar. Something about the "road work" signs outside disturbed her. It almost felt as if someone was trying to save space—or make sure there wouldn't be witnesses parked outside.

But, like the nights before it, this one passed quietly.

"Maybe they're waiting for the weekend?" Varric theorized quietly. He sipped his drink and grimaced. "Maker, I hope not. I hope I never have to drink another damned iced tea."

Juliet tapped her fingers against the bartop with a frown. "I guess they might want more cover and more suspects. If it were me I'd go with the mugging scenario, though. Send one capable guy to accidentally-on-purpose stab Alistair while stealing his wallet." Then something dawned on her. "But that might change if I'd figured out that the target had a bodyguard."

"Yeah, that could be." Varric nodded. "Think Bianca and I should stick around for closing?"

Juliet glanced over at Alistair, looking collected but nervous as he wiped down the bar for the fourth time that hour. "Yeah. I've got a funny feeling about tonight."


Alistair was getting the sense that something was off. First, there was the supposed "road work" outside the bar. The Dockside was in a lousy neighborhood; potholes were practically a matter of principle. Then Juliet and Varric switched up the plan—maybe because Naia was away, but maybe because they shared his unease. He knew it for sure when Varric didn't leave the bar as scheduled. They thought something was going to happen tonight.

He felt calmer than he would have expected, all things considered. Which was not to say that his stomach wasn't doing somersaults. He spent most of the night obsessively cleaning, working to occupy himself as the minutes until closing counted down. On the upside the bar had never looked cleaner.

Juliet gave him a reassuring smile as they began bundling up to leave. "You think the road work is suspicious too, huh?"

"That obvious?" Alistair gave a mock sigh. "And here I thought I was mysterious and inscrutable. Disappointing."

"Don't feel too bad, kid. You've got an honest face. No one's perfect." Varric grinned and patted the strap of the battered pack slung over his shoulder. "Bianca's ready to meet the nice people. How about you guys?"

"It might still be nothing," Juliet cautioned. "Don't get too jumpy just yet."

"Should we go out back?" Alistair suggested.

Juliet nodded. "Too open out in front. I don't like opportunities for surprises."

Alistair inhaled deeply and puffed the air out in a rush. "All right. Let's go."

Juliet led the way out into the alley, with Varric bringing up the rear, and Alistair in between them like the filling in a very odd sandwich. They all looked left towards the street, then right past the dumpsters, watching to see if anyone lay in wait. When no one emerged, Juliet nodded and gestured to the right, taking them further down the alley.

They'd walked for no more than a few minutes when Varric whispered, "Uh, guys? Check out our six."

Alistair looked over his shoulder. At first he saw nothing—but then a shadow flickered and moved at the edge of the alley. Then, a second, and a third. Slowly, three human forms took shape, moving slowly but steadily.

"Maybe they're just out for a walk?" Alistair suggested hopefully.

"I doubt it," Juliet said quietly. "We've got four more dead ahead."

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