Chapter 5: No More Freebies?

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Hey guys! Guess what, I'm back from the dead! So here we finally have another chapter sorry for the horrible awful wait. If you all could COMMENT and VOTE that would be super apriciated :) thanks again for your support and for sticking with me :)

Word Count: 1,502

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The pizza parlor was small, not really a place that you would expect a pop star to eat, but it would do.

I stood in line trying to decide what to get. Normally I would have just cut the line, I mean, I worked hard to get the fame I have, and I do believe I am entitled to the extra privileges that come with the fame. However, I have never been here before, so I figured I could let them go before me while I decided.

Looking at the menu there really was only one thing that I wanted: two large slices of pepperoni pizza and a large shake. I mean, come on, I am a teenage boy. I have to eat.

The woman at the cash register eyed me impatiently and snapped her gum. Heh, girls like that are ridiculous, they always think that the whole world should just revolve around them.

“I’ll have two slices of pepperoni, and… a large chocolate shake. You can put it on my tab,” I said throwing a wink in her direction.

“Ew. Gross. You’ll pay just like everyone else you sick pervert. $8.50.”

I was taken-aback by her words. “Umm, excuse me? Do you even know who I am?”

“I’m going to guess an escaped act from the freak show. If it were up to me I wouldn’t let anyone who looked like you in here. All you do is scare the children and ruin business. Unfortunately it isn’t up to me.”

Who would have thought that this girl would even think to talk to me, Harry Styles, in this demeaning voice? I had to get the witch to lift the curse and fast. I don’t think I could take another day of this. It’s settled, tomorrow night I would have to charm the pants off Sephora, hopefully literally. I thought Americans were supposed to be all kind and welcoming; that’s what everyone from the UK says, but my visit was letting me see their true colors.

“Here take your god-damn money.” I threw her a ten and turned quickly returning to my seat. It was surprisingly hard to keep my head up. Who would have thought that a snobby little, over privileged girl who had to work a job in high school could affect me so much with her words?

“Come on, man up,” I whispered to myself. I really shouldn’t be letting this get to me. In a week, hopefully less, I would be back to being me. Who knows, maybe I would even come back here and crush her dreams because I don’t care who you think you are, everyone either wants to be famous or they want to know someone famous.

Looking at her I knew she wanted the fame. To be adored by thousands. That was why she caked on the makeup. She just wanted to be seen by others, adored by them.

I checked my Twitter as I waited for my food to get here. I hadn’t really realized how hungry I had gotten. My stomach literally felt as if it was eating itself from the inside out, or maybe that was just the nerves from this situation, my situation.

Scrolling through my feed I looked at all my fans sending me their ‘love.’ They really just wanted me to pay attention. You have no idea how they covet a retweet, or a message from me. You would think that my words were their wholly grail.

You’re the best!

I’m so sad you canceled the show! Hope all is well!

Babe, if anything is wrong you can lean on my shoulder.

I didn’t even know these people and they act like I’m their best fried. We’ve never meant; it’s delusional to believe that I would ever go to a stranger for comfort!

My thoughts were interrupted as the rude girl from the register approached my booth, she her steps were heaving as she dragged her feet. It was so obvious that regular people hate their jobs, but I guess someone has to do the dirty work. I mean I should thank them, if it weren’t for people like her, I wouldn’t be here right now getting my pepperoni pizza. Hah, who am I kidding? Why would I thank a low life like her? I mean, maybe if she wasn’t such a pathetic excuse for a person I would, but there is no point in feeling bad for someone who doesn’t for you. ‘What comes around goes around.’ ‘Do unto others as you would – blah blah blah.’ You know how it goes.

“Here your food, freak,” She scoffed as she play a plate with two slices of pizza down in front of me and pushed my milkshake towards me.

“It’s funny what you say when you don’t know someone.”

“And why on Earth would I want to know you?” She sneered.

“Because there is a lot more going on than you know, and trust me, you’ll wish you had been a lot nicer once it’s all been worked out,” the funny thing was I wasn’t even lying. I guess that’s a plus to this whole change in my  - ehm – ‘style’ is that I don’t have to keep secrets. Everyone thinks I’m lying already.

“Yeah sure scar face. Whatever you say.”

“Oh and I guess you really don’t want your tip.”

“Trust me. I don’t want anything from you.”

“Well that makes two of us.”

I finished my meal in quiet. It was actually strangely nice. It’s so seldom that I actually get to eat my meals alone. There is always some person, a teen girl, or a parent who wasn’t my signature, or a kiss on the cheek. I remember when I used to love to surround myself with new people, potential friend. Now I can’t tell who wants to be my friend and who wants to leach from my wallet or fame.

All the while I chewed on my pizza it tasted dull, flavorless, unappetizing. It’s funny how life can flip so quickly. How on Earth am I supposed to find the love of my life when everyone is so rude? Oh that’s right, they only hate me because of my image. If they knew it was actually me they would treat me with respect. That’s why my plan for Sephora is so well thought out. If she doesn’t see my grotesque outside she can’t judge.

I left my filthy dishes at the table and walked back to my car. Luckily the group of adolescents that gave me such a kind welcome when I arrived had moved on to bigger and better thing, probably shoplifting something because they didn’t have the ability to keep a job.

As I drove back to the hotel I couldn’t help but think about what tomorrow would bring. I would actually get to know Sephora. Well, maybe I wouldn’t go as far as to say get to know her, but I would charm her that’s for sure. If I was lucky maybe I could even steal a kiss from her. That would be the ideal, the less time I have to spend looking like this the better.

When I got to my room Louis was already fast asleep, I could tell before I even entered the room. He denies snoring, but anyone who is in a mile radius of him knows that, that’s the biggest lie ever told.

There were new objects scattered around the room that weren’t there when I left: a new beanie, a new cards, and a fan sign with Lou’s name in a huge red heart. I wondered how many packages of glitter the girl had gone through to finish the sign. On my bed there was a t-shirt that had my nickname ‘Haz +Amanda 4eva’ in big bubble letters. Did they really think I would wear that tacky thing?

I knew that Louis had, had these gifts forced upon him on his walk. He had a weakness for taking in gifts from fans. He wasn’t as bad as Liam though, he had a huge soft spot in his heart for the fans, it was sickening. They just didn’t realize that the fans only made these things to get noticed, because they thought they could buy our love with gifts. What they didn’t realize was that petty gifts wouldn’t get them anywhere. If I wanted a tacky shirt I could just go out and buy one myself. Well I could have before this awful curse.

I pushed the shirt off the bed and it fell to the floor with a muted sound. As I crawled into bed the only thing I could think of was Sephora. How her kiss would free me from this nightmare. Her pink lips on her smooth fare skin. I wonder if her hair is as soft as it looks? Why am I even thinking about her like this?

I wonder how fast she can save me from this hell I’m living in.

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