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HELLO!!  Here's another story I've written for you guys!  There are only three chapters and it's meant to be read all at once.  I don't even want to disrupt the story with author notes, so I won't see you guys again until the end, but PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!  I love hearing from you guys!!

~Warning: the second chapter (Catalyst) will have some violent content and will be a bit gory.  It also contains a gay slur (I don't like the's just part of the story).  I want you to know that this story is really sad, but it does have some happy stuff, too.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, let's go.  You may want some tissues...just sayin'.


Harry and Louis had been inseparable since the day they met in the toilets all those years ago. Whether they were touring the world or simply cuddling on the couch in their home, they were together. Even if they were on opposite ends of the world, they were in constant contact through texting and phone calls, always knowing what the other was doing and what they were up to.

It wasn't that they were overly clingy or dependent on the other. Instead, it was simply the fact that they were truly and utterly in love. They were the epitome of what a relationship should be. The way they saw it, they had taken vows to spend their lives together, and that's just what they did. Even if they weren't physically together at all and were only connected by a simple cell phone, it was enough. All that mattered was knowing that their better half was alive and well.

All of their friends found their relationship sickening, but in a good way. They would admit that the two boys were cute together and very attentive of the other's needs, but they would always joke that a relationship that good couldn't possibly be real. Never had anyone seen two people so compatible for each other until Harry and Louis met.

Their friends quickly realized that Harry and Louis were a packaged deal. Where one was, the other was close behind. Even if they were apart, each boy would go on talking about the other endlessly, finding it impossible to have a conversation with other people and not casually bring up their soulmate in conversation at least once every twenty minutes. It was something that their friends were quick to pick up on and something they learned to accept as not only normal, but expected.

That's just the way that Harry and Louis were. They needed each other like they needed air. Just as vital as eating food or wearing a warm coat on a snowy day. Just as inseparable as the moon and the stars or the fish and the sea, Harry and Louis were harryandlouis, meant to be together, forever, no matter what.

Their world as they knew it, however, changed one fateful day. It had started out normally, just like any other day. There was nothing to suggest that this day would be any different than any other, no reason for them to be afraid of what that particular day held for them. If they had, it was likely that the two of them wouldn't even have gotten out of bed that morning, opting to just cuddle under the covers and nap the entire day, having lazy conversations with each other between snogging sessions. Sadly, that wasn't the case.

Harry got up and cooked breakfast as he did any morning that they were together and had the day off. He gently pulled himself from Louis's embrace, careful not to wake him. Their house was chilly as Harry made his way to the kitchen, reminding him that it was late autumn and he really should have put on some socks before leaving the bedroom, but he just shrugged. It wasn't too cold.

He was flipping the pancakes when he felt two arms wrap around his torso, making him smile and lean into the touch. He felt a warm kiss being placed to the side of his neck, and any thoughts of the chill in the air were forgotten as his body shuddered in response to his lover's touch.

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