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There was a scuffling sound coming from behind them, followed by several loud, popping sounds, like fireworks exploding. If only that's what it really was. There was the sound of running feet retreating as the words "disgusting faggots" was shouted.

It all happened so fast, it was hard for Harry to process it all. It didn't really seem like much, either, just a jerk running away, but what was that sound earlier?

They kept walking, but Harry noticed Louis was slowing down. He turned to face him and Louis came to a complete stop, his face pale and contorted in a look of confusion and pain. He stumbled, and Harry caught him, feeling something wet as he did so, and that's when Harry's heart shattered.

He quickly lowered Louis to the ground, apologizing profusely as he heard Louis let out little grunts of pain, knowing that Louis was holding back, trying to not show how much pain he was truly in. Leave it to Louis to always try to appear strong, even when he'd just been shot.

Harry looked Louis over and noticed two gunshot wounds, one in his chest and one in his stomach. He was bleeding profusely and struggled to breathe, leaving Harry to wonder if one of his lungs had been hit.

Harry's brain felt fuzzy, like he was in some sort of nightmare, because this couldn't possibly be true. He wanted someone to jump out at him and tell him that this was just some cruel joke and not reality. He didn't want to believe that some homophobe had just shot his husband for no reason except that he was gay. He wanted to run after the man who had done this, but he knew he needed to stay with Louis.

He couldn't think straight, didn't know what he should do. He tried applying pressure to the wounds to stop the bleeding, but that made Louis cry out and he hated that, but he thought that that was what he should do, right?

He needed help, that much was clear. He shouted out into the night, but received no response. It was then that his sluggish mind remembered that he had his phone in his pocket, so he quickly reached into his pocket to retrieve it. He took it out, but dropped it, his hands already having become slick with Louis's blood. The thought made Harry want to vomit, but instead, he grabbed the phone and held it extra tightly, quickly dialing for help.

When the operator picked up, Harry basically screamed at the woman, demanding immediate help and shouting out his location just down the street from the theater. She told him help was on the way and to stay on the line, but Harry ignored her and hung up, knowing that she just wanted to calm him down, but how can someone do that? How can someone calm him when his husband lay bleeding on the sidewalk? He had never felt so powerless in his entire life, and he hated it. He would trade places with him in a heartbeat.

Louis coughed weakly, blood sprinkling from his mouth as he did so. Harry put his phone down and gently picked Louis up in his arms, cradling him to his chest and placing a kiss to his forehead.

"It's okay, love. Help is coming," Harry tried to soothe, running a hand through Louis's hair.

"Harry," Louis wheezed, pain evident in every line of his face. "Harry," he said again, letting out another nasty cough.

"Yes, baby. I'm here," he said, holding back tears.

Louis's chest rattled as it rose and fell with his shallow breaths. His eyes began to droop and Harry shook him a little less gently than he meant to.

"No, Louis. Open your eyes, baby. Stay awake, please, babe," he pleaded, and Louis opened his eyes as best he could, but they seemed to be unfocused.

Louis's small hand moved to rest on Harry's chest.

"Harry," he said again, looking up at Harry, their eyes meeting. "I lov—" he was cut off as he began coughing again, more blood coming from his mouth, and it took everything Harry had to not cry, to not break down right there. He hated seeing Louis go through this, and he hated what Louis was trying to say. He didn't want Louis to say his final goodbye, because that's what it felt like to Harry, and he couldn't handle that.

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