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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Harry never left his bed except for the funeral, which the boys forced him to go to. They would check in on him to make sure he ate, but otherwise, he just laid in the bed that he and Louis had once shared, and just stared at the ceiling or cried.

Everyone told him that he needed to move on, but they just didn't understand. How could he move on? Louis was his everything, and he's gone. There were times when Harry would selfishly think that Louis got the better end of the deal. He got to move on, while Harry had to stay behind and live a life he no longer had any reason to live.

When he and Louis had gotten married, they had surrendered up their hearts to one another. Harry held Louis's, while Louis held his. Louis was gone and took Harry's heart with him, leaving Harry with nothing. He was all alone. Life isn't worth anything if your soulmate isn't by your side. They were used to being apart, but Louis was in a place that Harry couldn't reach.

Police eventually informed them that they had caught the gunman and he was now serving life in prison. The man said he did it because he saw them holding hands and he thought it was disgusting.

The band officially quit, not having any reason to go on without Louis, and Harry couldn't be motivated to do anything anymore.

As time went on, the other boys tried to get Harry to adjust and to take care of himself, but it wasn't working. Despite the fact that they forced him to eat, he was still rapidly losing weight, concerning the boys.

Harry became weak and barely ate, not having any appetite or motivation to do anything. He began experiencing chest pains, but said nothing, having no concern for his own well-being whatsoever.

Harry knew that Louis wouldn't approve of how he was being, but he didn't care. He couldn't go on without him, and that was that.

Two months to the day that Louis died, Liam and Niall made their daily visit to Harry's to check up on him and get him to eat a little. They let themselves into the house with a spare key and trudged up the stairs, calling out to Harry that they were there.

They got to his bedroom and saw him curled up under the covers, cuddling with one of Louis's old hoodies. Liam placed a hand to Harry's shoulder to wake him, but Harry felt cold to the touch. He quickly struggled to find a pulse as Niall called an ambulance. He was pronounced dead when the EMTs arrived, saying that he'd been gone for a few hours, probably dying in the early morning.

Niall and Liam were upset, but there was a part of them that was glad for his passing, knowing that his anguish was over and the two boys could finally be reunited once more. They knew that Louis was there to greet Harry with open arms and kisses, and they knew that they'd be okay.

Although the whole ordeal was horrible, it taught the world that true love really does exist, and it is very possible to die from a broken heart. With a love as pure as theirs, not even death could keep them apart.


And that's the end.  I hope this book wasn't too horrible or anything.  Did you like it?

I wrote this because I've read lots of stories where one of them dies and the other one is all alone, but I don't like that.  They should always be together and it's too heartbreaking to think of one having to live without the other.  Because of this, I decided to write my own Larry story where one of them dies, but I reunited them shortly afterward...and without the use of suicide, which I don't like reading about, either.

It is possible to die from a broken heart, too, just FYI.  It's not likely, though.  Most people will experience heart problems rather than actually dying, but it can and does happen, even if it's rare.

Love conquers all, right?

Anyway, vote and don't forget to comment your thoughts below!  I really want to know what you think of it! :)

Anchor_Red xx 

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