Chapter 2

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"I found her screaming at nothing not to far away from the gate" Why would she be screaming at nothing? This is weird.
"Thank You, Did you ask her about it if so what did she say?" Maybe she saw someone but they left.
"Yes I did ask her, she kept saying that there was a girl in front of her. But then she started saying weird things again. She said 'Why can I see you?' And then after a little while I heard her say 'Oh..... Ok Then......' after that she turned to me and said it was nothing. I fear she may have hit her head on something really hard...." With what Alexis is saying I don't think she hit her head.... I think she could have schizophrenia..... But I need her to meet up with Zoey and then Zoey can give me the final result...... I hope for the poor girls sake that she isn't schizophrenic.....


I was wandering through the village square. What a Quaint little town this is. I was told to head up to Lady Aphmau's house for she wished to see me. I went up and she introduced me to a lady named Zoey. She was an elf. Lady Aphmau told me to go with Zoey and answer all her questions. I mean she seemed nice enough.
"So Y/N, I hear you have made a new friend? You were talking to her before Alexis bought you into the village. Mind telling me her name?" So Lady Aphmau told her my name. After she told me she wouldn't! THAT TRAITOR!!!! I TOLD TO TELL NO ONE!!!!!! You Should Kill her for that! She deserves it! Yeah! You're right! Aren't I always? I DON'T NEED YOUR ATTITUDE IZ!!!


I know I can't actually see this girl but if I go along with it then she might tell me more.. 
"So Y/N, Do you know Iz's full name?" I have a feeling her name isn't actually Iz. I think it is just a nickname.
"Her full name is Insanity. Kinda weird but I don't mind."  Insanity? Is this just a coincidence? I think not. I think what Aphmau said is true. I think she is right about her having Schizophrenia. Poor girl..... I told her she could go but she seemed mad at something. Hmmm. I went over Aphmau's to her the news but I saw Y/N there with a sword to Aphmau's neck. 


THAT TRAITOR!!!! HOW DARE SHE TELL SOMEONE MY NAME AFTER I TOLD HER NOT TO!!! She Definitely needs to Die! You should head over there and Kill her! That's what I am doing right now! I arrived and Aphmau let me in. As soon as she let her guard down I attacked.
"Y/N! STOP!" I heard Zoey Yelling at me. "Y/N You need to stop! Or I will call Garroth to come and take youHe  to a holding cell!" Hahaha! Like a holding cell can hold back The Y/N Secret Shadow! She is stupid to think that! 
I start to push my dagger deeper into her neck. Just as The Dagger pierced her skin and she let our a cry of agony a blonde male guard came and dragged me away.
I am ready to pound his face in! Another male guard came in he had light brown hair. He helped Blondie here get me into a cell. Freaking Moron's.
"What do you me by 'She is a Traitor'? What did she do?" I am not in the mood to talk.
"Listen Blondie, I am not the mood to talk so if you value your life you will shut up and stop asking me questions."
"Ooooh we got a fiesty one!" You haven't seen fiesty yet.
"Shut up Laurance." So the brown ones name is Laurance... Interesting.... Suddenly a another Blodie arrives. He doesn't seem like a guard. So is he just a villager or something? I hear them guards talkimg to him they called him lord. So he is the lord huh. He is going to want to speak with me.
"So you are the one that attempted to murder my mom." So the Blonde lord is the son of the black haired former lord. How does that work? Why is her son Blonde? Freaking Genetics are confusing.
"Go ask Blondie the Guard over there. Ask him what I told him. Then leave me alone." He sighed then left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


It's been a week and I still can't move my neck. Zoey said if I move it then the stiches could come undone and we don't want that. Zoey came in.
"Aphmau I have some news on Y/N.... Do you wish to hear it?" What could it be? Did she escape? I might as well hear her out because I have nothing better to do.
"What is it?" I really hope she didn't break out.
"Aphmau.... Unfortunately you weere correct when you said you thought she was schizophrenic... There is a girl that she thinks exists and she calls her Iz. The best thing we can do for her is go along with it. But we musst ask what 'Iz' is saying to her because we don't need 'Iz' trying to convince her to try and kill you again." I actually feel bad about Y/N now. I will tell Garroth to release her but keep a close eye on her.
"Thanks, Can you tell Garroth to Release Y/N at once but to keep a close eye on her." I sigh. How could a girl so  young develop such a terrible Mental Issue? I just want to help the poor girl. I try to turn my neck to ask Zoey for food, forgetting that I can't, I let out a piercing scream of pain as I tore open one of the stiches.
"APHMAU!!!!" Zoey started yelling I whole bunch of thhings but they fadded away to fast for me to hear. The pain was unbearable. Everything went black.

Thanks for Reading my trash! I don't no why you are torturing yourself though.
Word Count: 1082

~Bai Mai Fat Lil' Nuggets!~

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