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    R O W A N

    "So, you and Corey had an amazing evening last night?" Sabrina said as she smirked at me as we were walking on the university's field

    "What? Where did you hear that from?" I said as I sighed

    "Honey I didnt hear, I saw" She said as she smirked at me teasingly

    I just sighed and sat on the bench. Sabrina and I stayed there for a while since we didnt have class this afternoon. I thought about last nights scene, it somehow made me smile, Corey looked pretty cute sleeping and- here I am again thinking crazily. I cant forget that I still hate Corey.

    "Hey Row, Im going to get food what ya want?" She said as she stood up

    "A hotdog and pepsi would do" I said as I smiled

    She nodded and took off. My eyes wandering, I saw him move towards my direction.

    "Heyyy Rowboat" He said as he smiled

    "Hello to you too Cole" I said as I chuckled "were you at the party last night?"

    "Huh. Yeah, I didnt see you there though" he said as he took a sip off his drink

    "Oh yeah, I left early. I needed to take care of something" I said as I smiled at him

    "Something or Someone" he said as he grinned

    "Seriously" I said as I punched his arm playfully

    As I was having a decent conversation with Cole and Sabrina buying food, someone walked right past us, those blue eyes. Everytime I look at him I cant help but stare at those blue eyes. Something you'd easily get lost in. He smiled at me and looked away, I did the same. Last night was kind off awkward to be honest, but kind off amazing? Wait? What?

    "Bring back Rowan to earth" Cole said as he waved his hands right infront of me

    "Oh yeah, heh" I said smiling at him

    He scratched the back of his neck and smiled at me "you see.. Um... Would you... Uhm, okay. Would you like to go see the movies with me?" He asked, clearly hoping I would say yes

    "Well why not? I mean I haven't been there for a long time and I would love to spend time with you" I said as I smiled at him

    Cole smiled victoriously, it was the smile when you won the lotto or crap. I chuckled at his appearance and smiled at him.

    Fifteen had passed and Sabrina still wasn't here. Im hungry for some reason, where could she be?

    "So about the movies when would you like to go?" Cole asked me

    "Well, we could go this Friday's evening since I dont much to do" I said

    "Friday evening got it!" He said as he memorized and smiled, this cutie "well, Ill pick you up at 7?"

    "7 it is" I said and smiled

    "Great! Well, I got to go now I still have classes in Photography so, see you later when we bump into each other" he said as he chuckled and waved goodbye

    "Yeah, bye!" I said and waved at him

    "Well what a great moment you two had" he said as he sat beside me

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