The Face of Perfection

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There are not enough Subaki Reader Inserts. FFS PEOPLE, SUBAKI IS LIKE THE BEST


Well, this was new.

Subaki didn't expect to have any free time today. But Lord Corrin had declared that all troops were to take a break and unwind today. Not even any Training was allowed today. Which sent people like Hana and Hinata to near insanity. People like Azama and Setsuna were perfectly OK with it since they weren't the most productive people to begin with.

But needless to day, Subaki was in a real dilemma. What was he to do with... nothing?

Sighing, he ran his gloved fingers through the bangs of his long, red hair. Flipping the Pegasus Brush in his hands for a few moments, he bit his lip before finishing running the brush through the Large Animals Fur, to which it snorted in content. Knocking the fur out of the brush, he placed the brush back where it was supposed to go. He went to return to his mount but stopped when his eyes caught something.

A Black Pegasus, it's fur and feathers darker than night, with its head and wings lowered in relaxation. It let out a snort of content, shaking its head to get all the pesky flies away from it, before letting out what sounded like a sigh and lowering its head, nibbling what was left of the hay mixed with oats it was fed earlier off of the ground.

Black Pegasi. The Mounts of the Dark Falcons.

The Black Pegasi were usually a lot rowdier than the White Ones, giving their riders a little bit more trouble and requiring more work from their rider when it came to battle and simple control. But when your rider was skilled in both Spearwork and Sorcery, it was understandable to see why they were a bit more restless than their Snow-White Counterparts. Some people were even afraid of the beasts, thinking that they were once normal Pegasi, but they were cursed by an Ancient Fell Dragon from a Distant World, and they somehow found their way to our world.

However, Subaki knew this was not the case.

He didn't understand the people who feared the animals, they weren't all that different from their counterparts. Tilting his head in curiosity, he walked towards the animal, approaching it gently. When it noticed his presence, it lifted its head from the floor, staring right at Subaki. Subaki simply smiled at it, reaching his hand out and gently stroking its neck. It flicked its tail in comfort at this, exhaling gently at Subaki's Touch. He wondered to himself on who owned this creature, who had the pride to ride this beast? Maybe no one owned it, and it was simply a Training Pegasi. Subaki did not know. The Dark Falcons were definitely a Powerful Class, most definitely needed in this war that was happening. But the Dark Falcons wouldn't even be known to the Hoshidans and Nohrians if it weren't for the one that was their Commander, that taught them all how to fight alongside a Black Pegasus, even with its temperament.

Every time Subaki saw a Black Pegasus, he was always reminded of that Commander, the General over the Dark Falcons. (Y/n).

Being the most Skilled Dark Falcon in the Army, very few had even any hope of passing her abilities. She was the one that came to Prince Ryoma and Prince Xander with the Black Pegasi and introduced them to the idea of Dark Falcons. Princess Hinoka and Prince Leo were immediately intrigued, and Prince Ryoma and Prince Xander saw the Tactical Advantage in it, so they accepted her offer. She was tasked with working alongside Subaki to make the Perfect Airborne Hoshidan Flight Troops, and Gods know she succeeded well. Their Morale and Strength had improved considerably ever since she was added to the Army.

And in Subaki's Eyes, the Eyes of one who always sought perfection in everything, she was the very Image and Build of Perfection.

And this was coming from a Man who had possible OCD with washing his hands. Her Uniform (always a rather touchy point with Subaki) was always clean and without tears, stains, or even wrinkles. Bad Hair Days didn't exist with her since her hair looked perfect every single day. Even her Pegasus, which she named Phila, never had any overused gear or dented armor, and its coat was always shimmering in cleanliness and care, with its mane and tail always straight, untangled and even. Everything about her Sang Perfection, and it always made Subaki breathless.

The Face Of Perfection (Fire Emblem Fates Subaki X Reader One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now