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she didn't recall ordering something, so it must've been one of those dumb door-to-door sales people.

the doorbell rang a second time, in the midst of her rush to get a sweatshirt over her head. she didn't even think twice about the fact that it was jimin's.

"aish!" she yelled through the door, "i'm not interested!"

"you didn't even open the door," a soft voice responded.

no fucking way.

she opened the door as quickly as she could, being greeted with the boy she fell in love with so long ago. the boy she was finally trying to get over.

he stood straight up. the boys were right. he lost a lot of weight. yet he still seemed healthy.

jimin wore all black attire, the only pop of color being his freshly bleached blonde hair. his glasses were perched on his nose bridge, something she had always found cute.

despite the weight loss, jimin looked fit. she had seen his abs plenty of times before, but she could assume he still had them hidden under his clothes. his face had slimmed out a lot, removing the ability to pinch his cheeks. still, he was the same jimin that had left her a year and twelve days ago.

"i told you i'd be back."

she didn't know what came over her, but as if it was an instinct, she wrapped her arms around the boy's neck. "i missed you so much. so so much," she cried, her face tucked into the crook of his neck.

if this had been any other of her significant others, she would've slammed the door in their face. but this was park jimin. the love of her life. the boy she was willing to give up everything for. the boy that said he'd return.

"i love you baby girl. i told you i'd be back," he repeated, his hot breath warming her shoulder.

his hugs were the same, but this one felt better. their bodies fit perfectly together. his muscular arms wrapped themselves around her smaller frame, bringing her close into his chest. she clung onto jimin as if it was the last time she'd ever hold him; she could never be too sure.

she brought him inside, where they spent the rest of the night. they talked about anything and everything, and fell in love all over again.

"also, nice sweatshirt."

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