Alpha Can't Have What Is Rightfully His

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Okay so this is my new story...I have been thinking about this lately...I would love it so much if you all commented on this telling me I should continue or not. So please enjoy..

Damian's POV

3 year's ago



" KILL THE CREATURES!!" was all the chants people were shouting outside the car

     I was in a police car and humans were chanting it outside my car. All of them were mad for what my friends and I did. Humans were pushing the car almost tipping the car over..

   Ever since the "accident" that has happened. Us, wolves have been hated by the humans. Humans wanted us gone or death. They wanted nothing to do with us wolves. It isn't fair because it was an accident but the humans think we did it on purpose.  They think we are killers.

     Wolves are meant to protect humans. We were born to protect them from harm. We aren't the killers. If only they let us explain to them it was an accident but they won't. They have their minds made that we are human killers.  Now we are in trail............

    What had happened? Why are we hated so much? What can get between humans and wolves? Three teens were found dead because of us...........

    It was a misty night and my friends Jared, Zac and myself were in woods at night. We were catching up and we yet have transform into our wolves yet. All of us couldn't wait till we transform into wolves because that means we were growing up.

    Till the moon came it out and that's when we felt our bodies transforming and shaking at the same time. Bones were cracking at the progress. Our eyes turned black and the inner wolf took over us in like in seconds.

           Our inner wolf in powerful when you first transform. Plus you go crazy when you first transform. All of the sudden you hear human shouts. We turned around to see drunken humans. They start throwing rocks on us till it got the point where we couldn't take it and our inner wolf attack.

  We killed them....three innocent boys.

   Now my friends and I are on trial for the murder of Ethan Lopez, Jason Miller, and Eric White . As I got out of the police car I was escorted to the courthouse by police.....

       "KILL THE WOLVES!!" Humans shouted

"THEY ARE INNOCENT!!" Wolves that came shouted

  As I walked into the courthouse I see my friends Jared and Zac. We embraced each other into a hug. All of us were scared...We know what we did was bad ...but it was an accident. We all sigh and walked into the courtroom.

    I remember that day........

Were we guilty or not guilty?

 Of course we were found not guilty. You would think people would learn to forget, but you are dead wrong. It just broke out the rage in the humans. Both towns were going at it. Our town threaten the humans if they step foot on our land we would attack but humans wanted us all dead.

    It got to the point where the state had to put a new law that no humans would step foot on the wolves unless given authority and the same role replied to the wolves about stepping foot on human land. It got uglier because in a week two wolves were dead and four humans were found dead.

  It just got to the point where the state put up walls and divided both towns. Watch guards from both sides of the twon guard the wall. That right stopped both towns ... but both towns still live in hatred.


Present time

  Three years have passed since the"accident" and no human has stepped foot on the  wolf land. Us wolves haven't taken one step on human land. It's sad to think us wolves and humans lived together in peace but now it's all hatred.

  I blame myself everyday for tragedy. My father tells me that it's not our fault. New wolves have no control and it's normal for a new wolf to attack that's why you are supposed to transform with your father so they can hold you back...

    Getting out of my car I walked over to my group of friends. I was still friends with Zac, and Jared. This town is closer since the "accident". I can't speak for the humans because no one knows how they are doing....

     Today was the big game.. the big game since the first time in three years the wolves vs the humans for championships.  Girls soccer was going up against one another tonight at the dome. The dome was in the middle of the divider.

  Police were going to be at the game to hold back anyone who tried to attack. This game no one was going to miss.  My on and off girlfriend Nicole was playing so I was forced going. Speak of the devil...

"Baby when I I get a prize from you?" She purred in my ear

"If you win." I said

"Baby they are worthless humans. We are wolves. Do the math? Us wolves are going to win." She said in her bitchy tone

  I laughed and said "Who knows? Maybe they have a special player who can beat you?"

  Instead of answering me she put her lips on mine. It soon became an heavy make out sesion in the parking lot in front of the whole school. I hear wolf whistle and put my middle finger in the air to the whole school.

 The bell rang and I stopped the kiss and said to Nicole "Let's go"

I put my arm around her and she says "We are so going to beat the humans."

  Let's hope and pray it won't get ugly tonight. If one more human or wolf die tonight then the only thing we all know what was going to happened.....war.

Okay so I end it here...Please comment telling me if I should continue or delete? This story all came out of my head one night and I just hope you all would like it like my other story... Next chapter will be game and Kaylee's POV. Stay with me here please...

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