Chapter 4: Left For Love

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Chapter 4: Left For Love

Kaylee's POV

                   The sound of the alarm woke me up. I groaned but I knew I couldn't stay long I had a lot of things to do in the morning. Going in the bathroom to brush my hair and change into my school uniform. Which was a plaid mini skirt, white button up blouse, red and blue striped tie, a blazer (or sweatvest). I put on kne high white socks and my black shoes they required. 

           Getting out of the bathroom I knock on Brandon's door and walk inn and said "Hey time to wake up. School is today buddy."

  "Kay, it's too early for school." Brandon moaned

"No it isn't. I am up so not early." I said 

"But your Kaylee and I am Brandon. It's early for me. Call me in a hour." Brandon says them puts his pillow over his head 

  "No come on get ready Brans. Wake up. Or I will get the water." I insited (My mom did that to me when I was small)

"I am up!" Brandon says jumping out of bed but trips and falls face first on the floor. 

I laughed and said "I am going to cook breakfast go get ready."

  Running downstairs I started making frenchtoast. While I was cooking the french toast I had my history book on the counter. I cooked than studied. I needed an A on this test so I was doing last minute studying.  As I finished the frenchtoast Brandon came downstairs with his backpack and sat down at the table.

             While he was eating Brandon was going on and on about today was bring your parents to work together and how he was excited to see a fireman. Then he got sad.

"Brans, it's okay. Maybe next time they will come." I assure him since he was upset about mom and dad not going

       " There won't be a next time. Mom and dad don't love us. It was always Ethan. Now that he is gone they leave us here and don't even call." Brandon says rubbing his eye

"They love us. They just want whats best for us and that ain't cheep. They need to work to pay for the house and everything." I bended the truth

"Can we go to school now." Brandon says then walks out of the house into my car

    I lock up the house and with that I drivr Brandon to school in complete silence. I sigh and as we pulled up to his school I said "Have fun."

He didn't say anything he just got out of the car and ran off. I sigh and started driving off to my school. As I arrived I parked my car and got out and my best Frankie comes and says "Hey Kay how was your morning?"

"Bad. Brandon is upset mom and dad couldn't be at his class bring your parents to school day." I explained

      "Bummer..... That little kid goes through alot with just you. Sometimes I question if you gave birth to him," Frankie says

  I laughed and said "No Frankie I didn't give birth at the age of seven."

    "KAY!! KAYLEE!!" Someone shouts

             I turned around to see Cassey running toward us. She tackles me and says "Kaylee you'll never guess what I heard?"

"What?" I asked

"Tomorrow a hot guy is transfering well I hope hot. I was in the office and I saw Mr. Parker getting his newphew's regristration for our grade. Literally Mr. Park looks good for his age and imagine his newphew." Cassey says 

       "Okay good to know but not important." I said

"Maybe you can get a better boyfriend because the one you have now can do better." Frankie says

    "Nate is amazing. I don't get why you guys think he is bad. Anyways, let's get to history before I forget everything I studied for in the morning." I said walking quickly.............

  Damian's POV

           "Mom, I am feeling sick. Can I skp today and I will go tomorrow." I complained

"Sure sweetie. Do you want me to get something for you?" My mom asked being concern for me

"Can you go to the store and get me some more medicine plus Ritz with cambell's soup please." I whimpered

      "You got it sweetie. Stay here and take a nap. I will call when the soup is ready." My mom says than runs out of my room...

             I waited till she I hear the front door close. Than waited five more minutes till I knew she was gone. After that I got up and put on my shoes and grabbed my wallet, money I saved for years for emergencies. I set my phone on the the counter and went into my dad's loft.

     There in the special glass case stood the silver knife. I took it out of the case and held it. I gulped and then thought about.....

     Should I being do this? Was it worth all this trouble for a mate?

           I took a deep breath and with the knife I cut an "E" on my wrist for my last name Evans. As the black blood drained out of me. I kept the blood in the special cup.  It hurted like hell put I let all the black blood driped. When my wrist stopped bleeding it meant I trained out all the blood of an Alpha and wolf.

        Losing my blood of Alpha and wolf meant I wasn't able to the transform into a wolf, can't smell like a wolf, I was quick but not as quick as a wolf, only my strength and love for my mate was left. I was a regular human. Plus my skin becomes lighter. 

       I grabbed my backpack and with the taxi waiting outside for me I hoped into the taxi and drove off too the airport. How was I going to do this you ask? Well I was going to fly California then fly back to Colorado but enter the human side not the wolf side.  (If I didn't say the story takes place in Colorado)

           AN HOUR LATER!!

             I got out the plane and looked at my watch I was early. So with that I decide why not experiment myself. So I went to the store the store and bought myself green contacts. I was getting blurry vision but after awhile I adjusted pretty good. Then I went to the salon next door. 

            As I came out I changed my hair from black to light brown, brown eyes to green eyes. My skin tone lighter from thblack blood out of my body.I say Iooked good better than I was a wolf. I looked at my phone and ran to the airport to get my final flight back to Colorado. 

                   While on the flight I was sleeping and started planning my future with my mate. We would meet, fall in love, I'll tell her who I am really are, she wouldn't care, we end up married, three kids or more if she wants. Then happily ever after. 

               All of the sudden I hear the speaker says "Hello Passangers I want to tell you we are landing in Garden Grove, Colorado. I hope you all enjoy the ride. Come back soon. Good afternoon to all of you."

                           As the plane stopped all of us got off. While walking off I was looking around for Uncle Paul. I came with my backpack on my back and I was looking for Uncle Paul. Then I saw a sign that said "Damian Evans!"

   I smiled and ran to the sign to see my tall, built, good-looking uncle (no homo). I yelled "Uncle Paul"

"Damian Evans or should I say Tristan Andrews." My Uncle Paul said 

I smirked and said to myself "Part one of my plan is compete."

  Okay so I end here. I had no homework and I am doing the CST or Star test.  I like to say I never wanted Kaylee to have a boyfriend but I thought why not add more drama. So who loved Damian's new plan or should we say "Tristan Andrews". 

 Q: How will Damian or Tristan react to finding out Kaylee has a boyfriend?

  I hope you all love this chapter... Vote, Message and don't forget to become a FAN!! 

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