The Raid

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The dark, scarred wolves prowled in the moonlight. Their pawsteps were silent, their scent hidden behind a mask of blood scent. As they veered closer to the pack, their pace quickened. Hunger for battle raged in the wolves.

"I smell blood!" A shriek sounded from the camp.

The rogue wolves knew why, but the pack did not. Dontia waved her tail, and the wolves obeyed, halting in their path.

"Okay, you all. We will split in to two groups. The first group with consist of Berry, Viper, Howl, Bone, Arch, and I. The other group, Rat, Claw, Moon, Arch, Spike, and Fang. Second group, wait here. Rat, stay at the head of your group. I will howl when you should come. Got it?" Dontia ordered.

The wolves nodded and split into their groups. Dontia was in the lead of her group. She flicked her tail and her group swiftly raced to the pack camp.

They had made it within a few moments. "Go!" The rogues and Dontia crashed into the camp. Dontia ran to Ruby, who was by herself eating. Ferociously snarling, she circled her grandmother. Ruby let out a yelp. Around them, wolves battled and fought. Blood stained the mossy clearing. Dontia leaped onto Ruby, digging her claws into Ruby's flesh and pinning her to the ground. Ruby snarled, attempting to release herself fron Dontia's grip. Dontia shook her head and snapped at Ruby's face. Ruby wriggled away from Ruby, clamping her jaws on Dontia's tail. Dontia yelped, jumping away. She came back to Ruby and bit her shoulder, then raked her claws on her grandmother's side.

Before making another move, she howled. She watched the second group barging into the camp. They attacked remaining wolves, showing no mercy.

Ruby attempted to nip Dontia's legs, right before Dontia shoved her into a rock on the edge of the camp. She pushed her against it, biting her neck. Ruby whimpered, attempting to get away. Dontia scratched her long claws against Ruby's face. Dontia sunk her fangs into her grandmother's neck. The warm feeling of blood made her spine tingle. Ruby's body went limp, falling to the ground. Dontia looked around for another victim. Dead wolves lay on the ground, although many other wolves still fought. She noticed the Alpha limping away in the center of the camp.

Dontia leaped onto him, making him crash to the blood-stained ground. She picked him up by the neck in her jaws and shook him violently. Dontia flung him around and let go, his eyes glazed over. The Alpha's lifeless body lay there, triumph overcoming Dontia. Training for so long was worth it. She glanced around, noticing few pack wolves remained. Although, some of her rogues lay dead on the ground.

"Rogues, retreat!" she called. Her wolves raced out of the camp. She chased after them, and they went back to their clearing.

Once they had arrived, she took note of the remaining wolves.

"Viper, Fang, Arch, Spike, Moon, Claw," she woofed. "Thank you for participating in the battle, for risking your lives for victory. We won. For the wolves of our pack who died, we will remember you dearly. You died for a battle which had to be won. We have almost eradicated the Moss Pack, which is exactly what I wanted." Her voice rang around the clearing. The rogues cheered, howling with victory. Dontia howled with them. "Shall we meet another time, but we are seperating for now. Goodbye, my pack." The wolves nodded goodbye, waving their tails.

"So long, Dontia!" "Goodbye, Alpha Dontia." "I am glad to have fought beside you, Alpha Dontia."

She ran back to her pack, wondering if this is what she was made to do. Is this her purpose? Revenge? Was this the right choice? Was this what she wanted? What would happen to her?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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