Kithelois (Coming soon)

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The Tale

In the days of old, one would often be regaled with tales of the three kingdoms. Children would question their parents about the Great War, only to be told that a single, disastrous event changed the course of history. Known as Coralus, Numor, and Theandrea, the three kingdoms prospered above any other. Their Kings, highly respected by everyone, knew the limitations of their influence, thus they settled for the land they already claimed. Trumped by these similarities was a clash over one crucial issue; Magic! Coralus, seized by strife and famine in recent times, blamed their troubles on magic, and with to see it, and all who weilded it, eradicated from the planet. Numor wished for the exact opposite. They wished for magic to be nurtured, and prized above all. They wished it to flourish in every corner of the globe. Theandrea a nation where the population ranged from simple peasants with no magical ability, to mages, who wielded immense power coursing through their veins, was divided; therefore they chose to remain neutral. But oddly enough, it was in Theandrea that the event that started the Great War took place. Coralus, a landlocked nation, save for Lake Alus, was founded upon a desert oasis by Servia Coralus and his followers, including Thero, a notable war hero from the war against Vendak. Numor was founded at the foot of Mount Thiraum upon the vast grassland by Thiros Alsem. Notable kings included Sylrog and Salgov, from whom Sryov is descended. Theandrea, the last and arguably most prosperous of the three, was founded near the mountain of the Gods. Lady Thea was the founder of the city along with her most trusted followers. By remaining neutral in the numerous wars that raged across the land, they were able to prosper for many centuries. The Kingdoms endured hardships and basked in prosperity alike alongside each other, and were quite content and happy. But all that was about to change.


A flash of lightning and a sharp crack of thunder seemed to convey the somber mood of the man walking towards the bar. The wind seemed to pick up slightly as the man quickened his pace, as if it were hurrying him along. Shaking off the rain, he grunted slightly in annoyance and he opened the door. It reeked of old alcohol, but something else permeated the air just enough for the man to notice. It was a bar for magicians. The man looked around the room, and spotted a table occupied by a lone figure. He walked over and took a seat. Taking off his cloak, he was revealed as the Prince of Coralus. The figure shifted slightly and began speaking in a low, hushed voice.

"Why have you come here, prince? It is unsafe for you."

"I wish to learn magic, sir. Yes, I understand that my father despises magic above all else, but I want to learn. I accept the risks and I am unafraid of what may happen," replies the prince in a calm and steady voice, but his eyes shift back and forth between every person in the bar.

"Do you realize what position this puts my kingdom in? Numor will be endangered because of this.  I requested we meet in Theandrea because of its neutrality. But that can only get us so far."

"As I said, I understand the dangers sir, but be assured, I will do my best to maintain secrecy for these meetings."

The door opened silently, yet everyone seemed to notice. In walked a man of seemingly high importance. His clothes were fashionable and the sword at his hip was encrusted with a slight gold trim. His gaze found its way to everyone in the bar who noticed his entrance. The noise level died down to a hush. He walked over to the bar and took a seat, as the bartender quietly slipped him a drink and went back to serving the others. After each sip the man gazed at the patrons of the bar, until he noticed the two figured speaking in hushed tones. The stool creaked as he slid off and began to walk over to the table. They both look up as he approaches and he is taken aback at the two men sitting together. The man confronts the prince and the mysterious man, who is revealed to be the Head Mage in the Royal Court of Numor. Both notice that the man is none other than the Royal Advisor to the Queen of Theandrea. The seated men rose hastily and went out the door. The advisor followed them, trying to stop them. The prince turned around, at the bidding of the Mage and killed the advisor.

"Do you know what this will cause?" asks the prince, pointing to the body of the advisor.

"It will cause war, yes. But did you not just tell me that you accept the risks of our meetings? You can escape in secret that way," replied the Mage.

A shimmer of light appears between the two men and suddenly this vision vanishes, leaving only the light.


This is the first non-fanfic story on this account! I hope you seriously like it :). Cody and I have so much planned for this O.O...

<3 Let us know.

Dedicated to @InZaynity : You asked me to update the magic story and I couldn't because I'm still writing the sequel. I decided that with Cody we would do this instead for you :).

Kithelois (Coming soon)Where stories live. Discover now