Blessed Beyond Compare

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God loved you enough for him to send his one and only son to die for you. Doesn't that make you think even just a little about how special you life is?

If God himself was willing to sacrifice his son so that you can live; that just makes me think that maybe life isn't so bad after all.

Maybe if I just looked at life from any other angle I could realise how blessed I am.

I am blessed beyond compare. I have a mother, father two younger brothers, friends, a life. I can see, hear, breathe, taste, smell. Others who are born without these things make the most of what they are given. They are blessed with strength. Courage. Love.

Just take one moment to think about all the problems in your life. Wether they're school, work, financial debt. Take a step back. Find somewhere quite and think about you life as a whole.

You are blessed because you can think. There is a bigger world out there waiting for you. So what if you have some problems now. Take a breath. Smile. And move on. It's not worth wasting your time on.

Don't over think it. Just let it go. Give all your problems up to God and your life will get better. That's what he promised. To you. To me. To everyone.

So smile and move on with your life. You don't have all the time in the world. But every moment you smile and laugh makes it just a bit longer.

~Dammia Brosnan~

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