My brother and I (anime story) (Being edited)

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Hello everyone!!!!! I wanna thank you in advance for reading my story. I have a very big love for anime and books. Some of my friends call me a bookworm. Well, I don't mind if they do call me that. But it's true I AM a bookworm. Please don't forget to vote and like. If I did anything wrong, please correct me. Thank you again and enjoy reading!!!!

Chapter 1 of My brother and I:

I heard someone opening the door downstairs. I went out of my bed and slowly went out of my room out of curiosity. So suddenly, the lights flickered and all I saw was my brother eating the leftovers I ate.

"God, you scared me. And Big brother! Don't come home this late. It's already midnight!" I shouted at him with such anger.

He looks at me with his face filled with food. He chews it for a while and then  just says "Sorry, sorry. I was hanging out with my friends and I lost track of time." He just said that so calmly while i scold him. "And for your information, i remember that I('m older than you. So don't boss me around." He told me. I ignored what he said and was just frustrated. He then went back to his room while I try to calm myself down.

(To think that he would be my brother, was just so impossible. Who do you think is more responsible? Me or him?)

I went back to my room with tiredness. But still, I can't sleep well. Thinking that tomorrow would be my 3rd year high school in Eleanor high. I just hope everything would never go out wrong. I need a beauty sleep.


The next day, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Still feeling dazed, I forced myself up. My eyes were still blurry and as I look at the clock, it was already....... 8:00!!!!! I was in so much panic. I hurriedly took a bath, put on my uniform, and fixed my hair. I then left the house at a fast pace.

Dodging the people around me, I was too focused on not getting scolded at the first day of my 3rd year that I accidentally bumped a guy. I fell to the ground. "Ouch." I touched the back of my head and then I heard a man apologizing to me.

"I'm so sorry about that."

"It's okay...."

When I looked up, it was josh creed. The famous josh creed at our school, Eleanor high. My brother's rival. He puts one of his hands in front of me as a sign that he will help me. And I took it.

Josh creed has been my crush ever since the day i saw him. Today, is the day, that  will treasure the most. "Oh, You go to the same school as me. Mind if we go together?"

I didn't listen to him. "He looks so gorgeous up close......" He kept looking at me. And pinched my nose to get his attention. I shouted in pain (in a cute way) and touched my nose. He laughed a bit. "You look cute." I felt my cheeks turning red.

A few minutes later, we Arrived in front of the school entrance and then he told me that we would have to separate for me to avoid danger around him. Since popularity is... you already know.

"I'll see you later." He said.

I nodded and left to search for my classroom. My heart was beating fast. As I try to recall what happened, my cheeks began to reddened.

"--nie. Mellanie." I snapped out of my thoughts when my best friend called me. I didn't realize that it was already lunch time.

"W-what happened? Kristin?" I questioned curiously. "Geez, I didn't realize you were so spaced out." Kristin told me.

"Last time I checked, you arrived here with a face as red as a tomato. You didn't seem to listen to anything the teacher discussed so something must have happened while you were on your way here. Care to tell me what it is?" Kristin raised her eyebrow. I shifted on my seat uncomfortably, knowing that I would not win. I looked at Kristin, grabbed her hand and dashed out of the classroom and went to a place that the students won't come. And then I made her swore.

"You promise not to scream?"

"Yup." She promised.

I took a deep breath, hid my face and stuttered "I- I met josh creed....." She froze for a few minutes and then shrieked. "What? You met josh creed? Your crush ever since!!! I can't believe it! Your own fairytale is coming true. You're so lucky~"

"K-keep it down, will you? You promised." Kristin was too excited about my so-called 'fairytale'.

Then she looked depressed. "W-wait. Mark and josh are enemies..... You can't confess to him." That is a problem... But..

"W-what? Hey, let's not jump to confessing yet. He's 3 years older than us." I told her with an emphasis on the word '3 years'. She sighed and said "Geez, you're really hopeless Mellanie. I'm trying to help you get your fairytale but you just won't go with my idea. Well, I won't force you since you're my best friend. I'm just gonna respect your ideas, and watch from the sidelines." She winked at me. I stood there silently with my thinking face on. Then shook my head.  Kristin left ahead since she's got some stuff to do..

I sighed and decided to go to the rooftop to get some fresh air. On my way there, I spotted my brother, mark. He stood in front of a girl with a box of chocolate on her hands. "U-um... I made this chocolate for you, senior mark... I-- please accept this!" I heard her say it with courage. The girl looked pretty with those wavy locks of light brown hair.

Big brother looked cold at first but then his expression began to change into a heart-warming expression. He took the box of chocolate, opened it and tasted them. He had this delighted face. He looked back at the girl and said "Your chocolates are yummy. Might as well be a chef one day." The girl looked happy and at the same time, my mouth opened and I began to tremble. A single drop of tear ran down my cheeks and I wiped it off and continued to walk, going to the rooftop.

I arrived at my destination, sat down and looked at the view. It was really pretty. A few minutes later, the door behind me began to open. To my surprise, it was josh creed.

"Oh, looks like you took my favorite spot." he said while he ruffled his hair attractively.

I stood up with alert and bowed to apologize. "I-I'm sorry! I got attracted to the beauty here." He looked at me with please in his face and walked to me. After that, he was beside me, looking at the sun. "Same. I got attracted to the beauty of it."

Feeling like we were already close, I asked him some questions and he answered them. The aura around us was quite comfortable to begin  with. Then, he broke it with a simple question.  "May I know your name?"

And I was in panic. What would happen if he knew that my brother was mark? I didn't want this to end. So I said the first thing that came in mind.  

"Mary rose." I faked a smile.

"Beautiful." I began to reddened again.

"Why is he always flirting?" I thought.

The bell rang after that and he told me that he would meet me again.

Okay! How was the first chapter?was it okay? Please comment what you think. Don't forget to vote and mostly, enjoy the story:)

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