my brother and i 25 (anime story)

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[time skip]

after school ends, I still saw Kristin looking down. "...the things josh said to you at lunch... still gets you?" I asked her. she nodded in response. this isn't the Kristin in know. the Kristin I know is the fighting spirit type. this isn't her! I protested in my mind.

I looked at her and punched her left arm. "ow! what was that for?!" she complained. while she looks at me, I stick out my tongue at her. she twitched her eye and sighed. "sorry... I'm just wondering that if that would happen, how can I fight? they might be stronger than me. I might not be able to get you out safely..."

"ughh!!" I groaned. "get over it already!!! I'm not used to the you now!!! be the fighting spirit girl, u have always been!" I told her. "okay, okay!!" she said. "race you to your house!!" I told her and ran ahead. "that's cheating!" she said and she ran after me.

after that run, we arrived at Kristin's house. "mom, I'm home!" Kristin shouted which echoed through the house. "honey, I'm here at the kitchen!" her mom shouted back. Kristin and I went to the kitchen. "hello Mrs. silvers." I greeted. "why, hello mellanie." she greeted back.

"mom, is big brother Nixon and Axel home?" Kristin asked. "yes, they r in Nixon's room upstairs playing video games." Kristin and I chuckled. "oh, give it a rest you two." "OK, Mrs. silvers." I told her. and we proceeded to Nixon's room.

when we opened the door, Kristin shouted. "why is this room filled with chips?!"  they both looked at Kristin and I. "welcome back you two." they both greeted calmly while Kristin was really mad. "don't worry. we'll clean it up later until we finish the game." they said that and then proceeded to the game.

Kristin clenched her hand and went to the boys. she then plugged the TV off. "Kristin!" they both shouted. "clean the room. now." she said that and they followed her command. after Axel and Nixon cleaned the room, Kristin said. "play later. mellanie and I want to say something to you." they both looked at us, then looked at each other. "spill it." Nixon said.


Kristin turned to me. I took a deep breath, and said "could you guys help us? we're gonna bring brother back to his senses." I told them. "about What?"  Axel asked. "um... brother gas a girlfriend and she's really mean. but she doesn't show it to anyone but me, blaze, pierce and Kristin." I told them.

"so what do you want us to do?" "research the girl, Melinda Brooke." they both stood up and shouted, "MELINDA?!?!" "don't shout! you're gonna make my ears hurt!" Kristin shouted back.

"keep your voices down kids! we have guests! come down here, will you?!" Mrs. silvers shouted. "we'll be right down!" Kristin shouted back.

"no way! is she someone's girlfriend?" asked Nixon with a serious tone. "yeah... big brother mark." I told them casually. they both looked at each other with a face that says we gotta tell them look.

"is something wrong, you guys?" asked Kristin. "you see, Melinda actually is a very rich kid. but she isn't popular. we were classmates before and she was a very huge nerd. she had pigtails, brases and glasses." Axel told us.

"yup. a very huge nerd. she got good grades. and her face was filled with pimples." Nixon said. "you got a picture of her?" I asked. "yup." they answered back. they took out something from the shelf. it seemed like a yearbook. they both sat at the bed and we followed. we saw lots of students. I also saw Nixon and Axel. they were both smiling really hard. it made me and Kristin laugh.

then we came to the page where I saw a girl with pigtails, brases, glasses and had many pimples on her face. yup. this was the previous Melinda Brooke. the nerd. "woah, is that really her?" Kristin asked in amazement. "yup. the one and only." "could I get a copy?" I asked Nixon. he nodded in response. "I'll give it to you tomorrow." he told me.

"kids! I want you to meet someone!" Mrs. silvers shouted. "probably better if we take this topic with us downstairs." all of us nodded and went downstairs.


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