Chapter Two...

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A/N: Thinking about changing Cece's name, any ideas, leave them in the comments, if I don't change her name to that I'll probably use it as another character, just in case, describe a character. 😘


As Alyssa finally escaped the prison people call school she pulled out her phone that had been vibrating for the past few minutes. As she checked the messages- many from her team. She noticed many talking about a party.

"Gurl, you needs ta' get outta dat house and come to deh party un Saturday!" -Meme

"Yo, you coming to the party Saturday?" -Selina

"Hey, did ya hear about the party on Saturday? I'm going, if you want to get ready at my house!" -Hannah

And some missed calls from friends and Jeremy.

Quickly she placed the phone back into the back pocket of her skirt.

Halfway home, a van began to approach. Speeding down the road until it began to slow down. Why did it slow down? She thought to herself as her fingers balled up tightly into a fist.

The car went over a speed bump and continued on its fast rampage down the road.

With a sigh of relief and one quick look to make sure she wasn't being followed she released the grip on her fists and relaxed.

Quickly she sprinted down the sidewalk, home.

As soon as she stepped foot inside, she locked the door, back pressed against it as she slowly slid down.

Pulling her phone from her pocket she unlocked it with her thumb print.

Looking back over her messages, she contemplated wheather or not she should or shouldn't go. She settled on a yes.

"Hey Han, I'll be going, be at your house at around 6?"

"YEP! See you then!"

"Haha alright, cya."


Alyssa made her way up stairs and to the shower.

Peeling off her clothes as if they were bugs she stripped and examined herself in the mirror.

Her brown eyes complimented her dirty blonde hair perfectly, her tanned skin used to he very light, till she started cheerleading. Her slim figure, toned. A fairly nice hourglass figure as well. Her thighs, average. She did have a nice butt though she noticed when she turned around.

After stepping into the shower, she turned the nozzle towards the right, heating the water up. Pouring down like ice water until moments after.

She washed her hair, shaved, and washed her body.

Her stomache growled. It was already 11 and she had not eaten yet.

Quickly she dried off, put on some boy shorts and a sports bra and walked down stairs for a quick brunch.

Alyssa had to stay with a good body, so she drank a healthy fruit smoothie


She headed to the couch to take a quick nap. By the time she awoke, it was already 5:48 PM.

A long line of cursing later- she ran to get her clothes when her phone rang.

"Hey, you on your way?" A sweet and innocent voice spoke. "Yeah, just getting my shirt and some shoes." She replied. "Great!" The voice beamed happily. "I'm right around the corner." "Alright I'm coming down now."

Alyssa grabbed her charger and other necessities like her toothbrush and some change of clothes, tossed it in a bag, and hurried down the stairs, almost slipping; she regained her balance.

The music booming from the car with all the doors and windows closed. She shook her head and opened the door to see several of her friends, including Hannah in the driver's seat. "I don't trust you Han. Hit the passengers seat." The girls in the back, giggling and laughing, knowing it was true not to trust Hannah with driving.

Hannah's mouth agape as she stared at Alyssa in disbelief. "EXCUSSEEEE ME?!" "Ha. Ha. Ha. Don't make me tell you twice little girl." Alyssa smirked when Hannah squealed and climbed over the middle section of the car and into the passengers seat. "I hate you..."

"I love you too babe." The girls usually called each other babe. It was their thing. "Whatever." Hannah says under her breath angrily.

On the way to Hannah's house, Christie screeches,"TURN IT UP! THIS IS MEH JAMMMMM!!!!" all of them laughing whilst Hannah turned the volume up to maximum. The car shaking from the crazy vibrations of the rap music.

Alyssa pulled out of the drive way, in which the car had been parked, and began driving the few blocks their two homes were separated by.


Struggling to park between the other two cars in the drive way Alyssa left the car in front of the two.

All 4 girls scrambling to get out from the car, and into the house were clearly overly excited.

Up the driveway and on to the path of stones that led to the house doors, they followed Hannah and Cristie.

Each of the girls got dressed into their nicely trimmed dresses, each varying in size and color. Hannah wore a red burgundy color, that stopped just above her knees, it was loose and showed bit too much cleavage.

Christie wore a tight white dress, with diamond slits over her hips. It stopped just at the middle of her thighs.

Alyssa wore a very revealing dress. It stopped a few inches below her arse. A black shade, the same diamond slits on the hips as Christie. But she had a big cut out on the back, black lace holding it together.

Each girl did their makeup according to the best shade that matched their dresses. High heels about the size of an entire hand was placed on each of their feet.

It was time to go.


They finally arrived, Freshman regurgitating their alcohol in the grass, clearly not able to hold it.

Each of the girls stepping out if the black Lamborghini, bodies perfectly sculpted, as though the gods themselves had put so much time and effort into creating them.

Their long model like legs, walking perfectly over the asphalt and drive way.

"Even I knew how to handle my liquor as a Freshie." Hannah announces proudly after noticing all of the Freshman puking.

Alyssa smiled at the house, the first party she had ever been to was at this very home.


Hope you enjoyed, leave a comment above about the A/N or right here. I'll definitely include them in this, or another story! Maybe even as the main character!

Love ya 😘

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