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It was nearing the end of the game when Jean got up and told Mika to follow. She grumbled while getting up and following.
As I got into the room Jean was dragging me into, he shut the door.
" So I see your very comfurtable with Eren and Armin...."
" Yeah.... I mean we live together so we practically have no choice. But it's nothing like that, I promise I only like you."
I replied while walking over to hug Jean.Then there was a couple seconds of silence as he pushed me away.
" It was Eren, wasn't it?" Jean asked with an annoyed face on.
" What about Eren?" I replied in confusion (my acting is great).
"You kissed him didn't you!"
" No! I keep on telling you, I like you!"
" No....I'm sorry, I have to think about this. I mean, I can't have you living around other boys, you fucking....fucking slut!"
Jean finally said as he burst through the door.
I managed to grab his wrist while tears were pouring out of my eyes.
"Why can't you believe me!?"
"Get away from me you WHORE!"
" ILL BE BACK, ONLY WHEN YOU LEAVE YOUR STUPID BUDDIES FOR GOOD!" He shouted as he took his hand back and ran out of the house. I can't believe that just happened. I then just dropped to my knees, just sad, really sad. I slowly teared up as I threw my beloved, red scarf across the room. I just got, dumped, and it was ALL BECAUSE OF EREN. IF HE WASNT AROUND, I WOULDN'T KISS HIM, I WOULDN'T BE THAT CLOSE TO ANOTHER GUY! THAT BITCH WAS THE REASON MY FIRST AND ONLY GOOD DATE GOT DUMPED!!!!
" Mika? What's wrong?" Eren said as he came through the door.
"Shut up." I replied in frustration.
" JUST SHUT UP AND GO AWAY. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" I shouted as I ran through the door. I looked like crap and I would be really cold, but I couldn't care less about anything else right now. I ran to the park. And in the far distance I could see Jean running, with what I thought were tears in his eyes.
---EREN POV---
I was so shocked and scared. I dont know what I did but I hated myself for doing it.
"What's wrong?" Armin said as he ran up to me.
"Nothing..." I replied.
"Just finish the movie with Christa and Annie please."I quickly asked grabbing my coat.
" Are you sure?" Armin asked.
" Yeah" I said as I put my shoes on and ran out the door. As I exited the house, I saw Mika sitting on a bench in the park across from me. I went over to her and sat down. I decided not to say anything as I didn't want to make anything more worse than it was.
" He dumped me.... " Mika mumbled as she rested her head on my shoulder.
" And he said it was because of you..."
"I'm sorry..." I replied as I put my hand around her.
" come back in now, it's cold." I continued.
" it's ok, just, I need some space alone for abit..."
"Fine..." Eren said as he gave me his coat, and...my scarf. That's why I liked Eren, he knew me to well. He knew when I actually needed to be left alone, or when not to. Or when he should try to talk to me, and when not to. As I saw Eren starting to go, I smelt the scarf scent a bit, an remembered all the good times I had with him. I haven't taken this scarf off outside from the last year in college. I knew I could never be mad at him. I decided to look up for a second, and saw Eren tearing up slightly and slowly walking toward me with some ice lollies . I hated it when Eren cried, and especially when he cried because of me. I couldn't bare it. Once he came back he passed me the ice cream with a fake yet very believable smile. Since he knew me, I knew him, and I know when his smiles are fake, and I know he Is very good with his acting....surprisingly.
"Here you go." He said as I took it.
"What's this?" I asked.
" it's a ice lolly of course!" He replied.
"What for?"
" I don't know, just to make you happy, I guess....."
"Thank you?" I replied.
As we finished our ice cream Eren stood up and started stretching his back a bit from sitting down.
"Are we going back now?"
" what are you talking about. Look, I don't know what your trying to do, but it's not working. Just leave me alone."

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