New Club - 5

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----TIME PASS----

It was now Morning and me and Mika decided to exchange numbers so we can meet up and talk more. We finished getting dressed and ready and I was delighted to see Mikasa still wear my red scarf that i gave her. We finally started to walk to school until we stopped when we saw Armin and Christa holding hands!?!?

" What?!?! Since when was this a thing?" I whispered to Mikasa.

"Well I always knew they had a thing for eachover, but i never saw them actually do something like this before!"She replied.

" Do you think they got so far that they did IT before?" I asked while chuckling. Mikasa giggled as she nudged me. Armin and Christa must've heard me desprately trying to quiten down Mikasa because when they turned around and saw us, they seperated hands and both blushed in embaracment.

" OH! H-Hey g-guys!" Armin squealed. We replied with a hey and a small giggle when we saw Christa refusing to look at us.

" So you guys are dating now?" Mikasa asked as we both ran up to catch them.

----MIKASA POV----

" Maybe...But, hey, Mikasa you seem in a very diffrent mood with Eren today!" Armin quickly said trying to change the topic.

" No its not like that!" I replied while Eren put his arm around me and frowned sarcasticlly.

" Sure..." Christa said in a sarcastic tone.

" So how long have you two been together?"

"Y'know what else is long..." Eren mumbled under his giggling. Armin let out a brief chuckle as I quickly elbowed Eren in the stomach.

"OW!" Eren exclaimed holding his stomach. In side I secretely hurt myself aswell. ON THE ELBOW! How is that even possible? I aksed myself.

----TIME PASS----

We arrived at school aproxamitely 1 minute before class started. We had to run to get to class on time, and half way through my legs started aching so Eren had to give me a piggyback. I turned as red as a tomato when he offerd to carry me! Just saying though, Do not trust Eren with perfect as i see him, everyone knows he has a dumb side. As we burst through the classroom, all the attention was upon us. I didnt really like it, until i heard murmurs of me and Eren bieng together. It made me blush and feel all wierd in the stomach. I laughed when i saw Eren slump back in the chair, nearly dying from carryingme all the way to the other end of the school, which also was on the 6th floor!

"Am i really that heavy?" I asked him as i giggled.

He chuckled and replied with "No i'm just sorta outta shape." I laughed at this, as we was probaly the 3rd fittest person in our year....probaly.


---EREN POV---

It was half way through the lesson as i was staring at Mikasa from behind. People might call me a wierdo for it, but i just couldnt look away! suddenly, our princable charged throught the classroom door.

"Why hello class.... 11J1!" He said as we all stood up to greet him. it was a rule that i found stupid.

We all sat down as he started to call out " Ummm...Sorry class but may i take....Aren Yagar, Mekasi akorman and Arnem Alet(On purpose)"

Our teacher agreed and we quickly packed up our stuff and rushed out the class.

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