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Alpha Logan Windsor

"Alpha she is here."   My second in command, Jade, said through the phone.

" I'm on my way... " I said quickly before ending call.

I've been watching her for years, I've always wanted to be around her more than anything but her being a human made that impossible. I couldn't just appear and announce my mate bond to her, in human minds  such thing doesn't exist. But, as a werewolf it's something we worship, and moon Goddess  has blessed us with this to only love one person.

"Logan, are you sure about this?"

My beta asked in a worried tone. I could feel his tension in the air. This is the day, the day I meet my one and present myself as her mate, I tried my best not to never bounce into her life. But I have no time anymore. I've got to have my Luna by my side. I've been questioned many times if my mate exists, and doubts could ruin my pack unit. Many strong warriors have been challenging me for my position. Without Luna I can't be influential, it's something vital for my pack to continue existing.

"Yes, I'm sure. I can't risk my pack's wellbeing just because my mate could reject me. "

"But... Alpha if she does you will be challenged and might lose your title as our Alpha. Everything could disappear..."

"I'll make sure she doesn't.  We will take it slow."

We live in Forks, my pack is called Moon Light Pack. Humans think we are just normal people, as we appear as them. This will help with my mate, and since I've been going to the same café she works for, it will help me at least you'll build communication.

And ask her out!

"I'll go alone. Give me the keys for the Audi "

"Yes Alpha." Dean quickly handed me the keys. "Good Luck Logan."

Three years back

Emelda Hazel.

"Damn it Lisa. I can't believe you told him. Having a crush for someone meant to remain secret until it fades away. why did you do it?" I was losing my nerves on her for blowing me away. She was supposed to keep my secrets not the opposite.

"Calm your horses. I only did that for the good intension of heart.  I really think you should have done such step long time ago. You can't just secretly like someone for years without showing.... At least he can now reciproque. Or notice you."

"You mean notice my existence to torture me and make me the next joke. You can't just get that through your thick head. It's impossible for us be together. I'm. ... me And he's the school's most famous Alex."

I was thinking and having million thoughts of what will happen if the plastic girls of the school knows about my crush. I will be six feet under before I could say Chickchock chocolate...

That day I couldn't stay at home. I had to go for a run to distract my mind from my own fears of being bullied just like at school.  When  I was running in the forest just like usual I felt being followed.  But I didn't dwell on that for the fact that I was already thinking about being bullied and chased by the famous stupid GIRLS at school. Of course I will be chased and disturbed for having a crush for someone I would never be with.

Suddenly a dark shadow jumped from around me to the side behind the tree. I stopped in my spot and instantly turned around. I couldn't see anything but I could feel something in the trees. Suddenly, a naked man came walking towards me. I didn't know what to do neither think straight.  So I did the only thing came into my mind. SCREAM.

"Shhh. . Shhh I'm not here to hurt you." The strange naked man in front of me said as if it's not weird being without clothes on at all. What the hell is wrong with him?. I stopped screaming because he spoke  and didn't attack to rape me. Which is good.

"I was just passing by. Sorry about the clothes...  It's. .. I just had a problem."

That's even more awkward.

"... Can You put anything on?" I asked trying not to look.  That's awkward.. too awkward for my mind.

"I recall I left some clothes somewhere here. "The strange naked man murmured to himself while looking behind a random tree. God I just looked at a naked man. My eyes.... My eyes... no no What have I done? Well thank god his most dangerous parts for my eyes were covered by the tree he was looking behind.

"Yes got them." He announced before he disappears for two second and come again in black jeans and white top.  I was still not looking at him. I am afraid I do and see him naked again. And what the hell am I still doing here.

"I ... I'll leave." I whispered while stepping backwards.

"No wait... Please. " The strange man pleaded. ." I want to know more about you?"

What that suppose to mean.
"What?" My voice came out barely heard.

"Your name. Tell me your name."  He asked again.

"This is awkward. I should really go."

I didn't look back as I just ran away as far as my legs could take me. I can never mention seeing a naked man in the forest. I'll not be called only silly for having a crush for Alex but also mad for seeing a naked person  showing up from nowhere just asking for  my name.

This incident should be forever forgotten.



Alpha: Logan Windsor

Mate: Emelda Hazel

Beta: Dean

Second in command: Jade.

Mate's friend: Lisa

Crush name:  Alex  Colin

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