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Sorry if there are any mistakes.
Hope you enjoy this story.


I spent the next one hour and half preparing what I should and shouldn't say.  Dean said I should take it step by step, so my first step from now is to make her like me.

How for the Moon's sake am I going to do it?

Who can help me with this?

"Hey" She shyly greeted.  At that second all my thoughts and inner fights disappeared because all that mattered then was seeing her, my mate.


"So ready to have lunch with me?" She asked confidently.

I really don't understand how she thinks. Sometimes she's so shy and scared and other times she is so confident.

"Lead the way Miss Hazel." I grinned stretching my hand to her side giving her the priority to show the way.

I think I can do a gentleman.

She smiled while studying my face and turned to take me to her favourite restaurant. How I knew that? Well I've been following her everywhere from the day I met her.

"So do you prefer any favorite dish to order?" She asked after we sat around a table for two.

"Not really, do you have one?"

She looked at me thinking for awhile and just shrugged.

"You don't have one?" I asked not sure.

"Not really." She grinned copying my words.

If just YOU were my mate right now. I'd have taken you somewhere and kissed those lips until you can't breathe. I felt I was losing myself looking at her lips. She noticed where I was looking. I could tell my the way I was looking at her made her uncomfortable.

But something in her eyes, made me doubt it's discomfort this time. It's something else.

"Are you OK? " I asked after I noticed how she is starring at me.

"Your eyes.... They changed color?" She murmured in disbelief.

I should have controlled my wolf more, now she's going to run away. I stayed immobile not sure what to do, whether to deny or tell her something... or anything...

I was about to speak when she pushed her hair behind her ear and laugh.
"I must've seen wrong."

I smiled nervously without saying anything. I wish I could tell you what am I!

We ate pizza and we.. no I mean she talked about so many things. She didn't stop talking about how much she loves this place because it reminds her of her parents. She loves pizza and dark chocolate, she hates waking up early and loves watching new movies. I spent the whole time watching her, admiring her with my eyes.

"Thanks for lunch" I finally spoke after a while of silence. We're standing in front of the door to the café.

"I had good time myself, so thanks to you." She shyly said.

I felt my hand moving undelibrately to touch her cheek. Her skin so soft under my touch. I felt my heart beating so fast and I could hear hers too.

'Please be mine.' I pleaded with my eyes looking into her blue eyes.

She smiled again and went inside without any other word. 

I stood there looking at at my hand still tingling from touching her very soft cheek. My wolf was losing his patience, especially after this touch. He wasn't at peace not after tasting one touch of hers.  So I had to let him loose. I run towards the trees and shifted and run as fast as the wind passing by the trees and her image clouding my thinking. One touch, it took me one touch to feel so inpatient towards her and the want of claiming her mine exploded in my veins.

4 steps are long journey for me and my wolf to finally be ours. I want her now, now .... I felt my wolf taking control over my thinking. But I pushed him to the side and took control. Right now I have to get back to my pack, I have 4 steps left  and that's how I will make it to win her.

I ran into my house to my room and shifted once inside. I wore another outfit and joined Dean in the kitchen.

"How did you do?" Dean asked smirking.

"Fine." I answered. Not really in mood to share anything.

"Man I know the feeling. You must be feeling like burning inside. I've been there before Kathryn say yes to me."

"But she is a she-wolf, she knew you were mates. But mine is human and it's fucking hard man." 

I can tell he knew that we don't share same experience. His mate didn't accept him first because she had this thing against all men.

'Alpha, we have an issue.'
Jade mind linked.

'What is it?"

'Alex challenged you in front of all elderly for you title. He even told everyone about Luna being a human.'

Alex is one of my best warriors, but he never considered me a compatible Alpha he always said that I don't deserve this title. I only kept him in my pack because of his father, he was my father's best friend.

'Gather everyone in the big room, I guess they deserve to know about their Luna, make sure Alex come along with silver chains.'

I won't let anyone challenge me for my title not as long as I'm alive. They'll have their Luna, and however wants to challenge me must think twice.

I went to the big room with Dean by my side. I walked in and everyone fell in total silence.

"Is it true our Luna is human?" One of the elderly said.

"Yes, what you heard is true."

"But how is that possible our Luna should be a she-wolf." Another elderly asked in disbelief.

"I'm sure Moon Goddess has a reason for her being a human."

Silence again envaded the whole place. I waited for more questions until Alex fell on his knees and smiled wickedly.

"You mean the Moon Goddess cursed you with a human as a mate."

as soon as the word curse left his mouth the whole room started to whisper the word, I could feel all of the elderly believed it even if not completely the doubt of it being true clouded their minds.

"How dare you say anything against your Luna. Take him away from my sight." I howled at him and at everyone who will dare to say anything against their Luna. 

"The meeting is over. But make sure I won't put my pack into any danger." I assured them, not sure if that will wipe the doubt from their hearts.

'Jade, Dean we need to pay visit to Zeen. Make sure I am granted the permission to see her."  I mind linked my beta and second in command. I need to know why my mate is human and only Zeen from Crescent Pack can answer my question.


Crescent Pack clairvoyant: Zeen

Crescent Pack: neighbour Pack

Elderly: are oldest werewolves and they represent wisdom. All alphas should respect them.

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