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Tears rolled down my cheeks as I ran towards the room where the black haired nurse had sent me. Terror took over my body as I bust into the room and saw the love of my life, sitting on the bed as the snow white blankets covered his damaged legs.
"Niall" I quietly whispered as I made my way towards him. But quickly pain and anxiety took over my body as I slowly let go of his hand and the terrifying words flew wild inside my mind "Excuse my but, do I know you?" he spoke so forcefully that you'd think he'd never saw me before
"Niall, baby, it's me. Beatrice? your girlfriend?" I was sobbing now as I realized that he didn't know who I was
"I'm sorry but, I have no earthly idea who you are" my eyes grew wide as he said this. He was my boyfriend, almost my fiancée. We should be celebrating our engagement, not trying to remember the lost memory of each other.
A tall, blonde doctor knocked on the door, even though it was already open. he looked quite familiar to say the least, kind even.
"Hello Niall!" the doctor said all too cheerful "and I assume your Beatrice?" he said, shaking my hand.
"Why yes, I am. Can you tell me whats wrong with my Niall?"
"Well Niall had some serious head trauma after the crash which could lead to him having amnesia, (AN:5sos fans where you attt) but it's too soon to tell" he spoke in a firm voice, almost as if he was yelling at me
"So if he does have amnesia, he won't ever remember me again"I was trying to convince myself that this was real, that any of this was real. He was just at home talking and laughing not even an hour ago, and now he might die.
"Unfortunately, yes"

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