part 4

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so Sarah went to the island and this  guy like your a human ? Sarah didn't know what i am people call me lady rene the guy came and look at her my name is blue i'm Sarah your the son of dine fines right ? blue
Yes I am why ? Because I was just wondering Sarah set and as blue look up into Sarah's eyes and stares at her for a long period of time and as minutes past Sarah realizes she's in the house that she was in before she's like what the what is going on what is happening? Dim blue told her it's only a mystery and dream when you find out who you really are you're not just a human you're in the magic world it's no longer humans you have been alive for $10,000 or more years it's like a Twilight light beaming off of you keeping you alive Sarah looks at Blue are you serious like why did they choose me out of any other of my family blue looks at Sarah hold Sarah's hands Sarah the only thing I can tell you as you will find what you been wanting to find over the years and my dear queen of Magic World you will end up becoming the princess of it I don't know everything but I see the future Through Your Eyes Sarah just stares at Blue wait you cannot be that old blue looks at Sarah I have a special power that I never tell no one because they always judge me and I'm 2000 years old dirt than you because I was born when you were human I chose you because you were special special and the moment I laid eyes on you now I know you end up happy blue look at sarah and tell her i love you with all my heart and hold her and kissin her lips softly and sarah push blue away what are you doing ??*blushing *blue i have been in love with you for thousands of year and i cant tell if you love me back sarah *think to her self ummm i dont now what to say his warm soft skin
againest me is he human i really dont now any thing more in the wind is blowing hard against Sarah skin and then blue looks at her because Sarah started drifting off in a deep sleep and dreaming she was in a different world all sarno's she woke up in that world and blue was looking for her and crying for her name Sarah and Sarah looks around in this house looks like it started all over from the beginning where her and her friends were she found four dead bodies that look like her friends she said how long have I been gone how old am I do I even age
Sarah started looking on her friends bodies and saw a pendant around and one of her friends that was never there she picked it up and had a note in the back of the pendant telling her where to go to find her friends and then she begins to read the note that's in her hand saying dearest Teresa I have been waiting for you in the white diamond roads it has been 2000 years since I have seen you and Sarah started looking up and realizing that she's not a human he is a ghost that can go through worlds and live a human life serious just looking around the room and realizing that this is not no ordinary house and makes you go psycho it makes you go crazy she tried to get out when she saw this light through the wall and this boy's I come here come here I need your help please help me find my mom Sarah decided to be a idiot and go to the light and go after the play Cher's looking all around for boy are you okay and boy said one day you will find out the truth about this world and the truth why I am here in the truth why you're here you have been destined to this world that nobody will ever understand and nobody will find it unless they have the gift thing of the unknownand Sara was looking at a mirror and realizes it's a portal and she went through it and nothing but a new city was there
And all she seen was bright light some one pulled her in this van

To be continued
And then Sarah looked at the person and said oh my gosh why am I here what have I done I don't know why my her and the guy said you know why you have turned against us with our powers and Sir just looked at herself in her hands and found a mark on her hand and then the guy said what is that mark glowing on your handI had a knife in her pocket she reached for it and she cut the rope and stab the guy next to her in the neck and then she realized that the guy was on her the truth that her powers were not good we were and Sarah looked at the guy that was driving the van and she said what do you want from me and the guy immediately stopped the van and jumps in the back and tells her you are the one that we have chosen that has the power of good and evil and Sir asked him what do you mean by that I don't know what you are talking about all I went through was another portal
And the guy said my name is Ashton and Sarah looked at him with red checks and said I remember you, as you were the one that I grew up with you were standing out of fire, surround it with our family, we grew up with the same family, but you were adopted out of an orphanage and Ashton looked at her and said how do you remember all of that and Sarah looked at him and said you're the only one that has that mark on your arm and Ashok at his arms can never explain this mark, and why does it keep haunting me and I have to fight everything that comes among men. and Sir told him look, you will find out that I know more about your mark than you do. And Sir said I have to tell you a story Sara begins to tell her the story long time ago there was a guy your age you had a wife 3 children but the only thing that didn't add up to the wife why was the kids not looking like him because he wasn't all the way human he was one of us and Sir begins to tell him you are the one that you think I'm the one that chose you I'm not I'm just an ordinary girl trying to make her way to figure out what the marks mean on me we all come for a purpose ring why does it follow me ?
A guy being to tell her a story once you meet the white hair guy you will now everything about what going on and why it going on I told you I can't really tell you. Sarah how do I meet the white hair guy? What is his name,? When will we meet the guy said right now. Your Talking to him Sarah gave a confused face so you lied to me. And told me this story for what? The white breaded guy hug Sarah I'm sorry for everything. For hurting you and lying to i probably lost your trust Sarah said no i forgive and forget
And the white breaded  guy told her that she will find the truth where the vampire  boy is

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